BEARDS letter from GB

by Shane 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost
    they really should consider the fact that "most" people assume that someone who shows up at their door, wearing a suit and tie is most likely a salesman or a JW

    In the land of Oz, the 'suits' are either JWs or real estate salesmen.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • DB

    When I served as an elder, we had a brother who wanted our opinion on his growing a beard. The PO, and older brother, felt that wearing beards was still considered to be a sign of "rebellion", pointing to the 1960s and 1970s when, in his estimation, people wore beards to signify their restless and rebellious attitude. Another elder was more in favor of beards, and my attitude was, what's the big deal? Let the guy wear one if he wants. In fact, it was even a shame that we were discussing such a matter. Also, we had nothing from the Society (such as the letter in this post) to assist us in making such a decision.
    As it turns out, the brother moved away anyway, and the point became moot, at least at that particular time.
    I'll say one thing, if he had decided to grow a beard, and stayed with our congregation, there is NO WAY he would have been extended privilages. It just would not have happened with the mind-set that prevailed among those elders.
    Also, around that time, some younger brothers, a couple of yrs out of high school, were not wearing socks to the meetings. Their bare ankles could be seen when they would sit and cross the one leg over the other. Well, you guessed it, this became an issue, and the body of elders met to discuss it. It was decided that this look was overly casual and potentially offensive to others, so these brothers were told to wear socks or else risk not being assigned privilages. Again, one elder, the same one who had a more relaxed view on beards, was not concerned about the no-socks look. But the body decided otherwise. Personally, I felt that, while the look was a bit casual, it was, like the beard issue, not a big deal. But you'd be, wait, you would NOT be surprised, lol, how many people made an issue out of such a thing.

  • freeman

    Fodeja said: “That's a stunning example of cult thinking: "We're not telling you to do it. You will want to do it".

    I could not agree more; “mature Christians” will realize this too.


  • picosito

    Shitheads in sheeps' clothing.

  • DIM

    I can't wait to grow a beard.

  • tyydyy

    Here in Texas there are a lot of men who like to where cowboy boots as dress shoes. I was told that I couldn't get on stage at the ASSembly if I was wearing boots. Imagine that. There is a "higher" standard at the ASSemblies and CONventions. You rarely saw anyone with a mustache giving a part on the big stage.



    You just go ahead and grow a beard. You might give one talk on the Ministry School and that is if your name is already posted on the board. But you better believe that will be your last. All you will be able to do is go out in field service. I'll even bet that if you show up for field service and the only brothers there are you and the conductor,everyone else is sisters. He will conduct read the text and pray. So go ahead and grow that beard.

    In the words of Public Enemy...DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!!!!!!


  • Geordie

    As a second thought i wonder how they would feel about my mohawk lol.

    Child molesting is covered up, child beating is condoned, suicide by refusing blood is hailed, dissowning your closest family members because they question the WTBTS is common practice but for christ sake dont go more than 2 days without a shave because you may bring Jehovah's witnesses into disrepute.

    What a load of bollox...........

  • gilwarrior

    I have always wanted to grow a beard. Unfortunately, I can't grow that much hair. *sigh*

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

  • badwillie

    Nice post Geordie. Love the Brit expression Bullox!
    I have a goatee now, so I only have to shave maybe twice a week - it's great. I was over at my JW mom's for dinner recently and when I walked in my non JW aunt and my grandparents said "OHHH, we love the new look, the goatee looks fantastic on you". My mom and the rest of the JW family all pretended they hadn't heard what was just said.

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