I would have welcome a game night. There was no mixing. The ones who excluded me from their circle got much more "cred" in the KH. They lived in a very bad neighborhood. I was in hand me downs and working. They were on welfare yet wore leather riding boots and the latest styles. One night I went to KH and about seven of them were disfellowshipped for sexual activity. I was so naive I was utterly shocked. The thought of my being in the KH and that they were outcasts was so bizarre.
I don't understand the lack of socialization. When I worked 80-100 hrs as a lawyer, the firm encouraged and paid for social activities outside of work. The bonding helped work productivity or else we would have to pay for it. So I figure if people were not suffering chronic depression, the door to door work would be more vital.
Jesus never said preach and do nothing else in life. He had dinners with people. I think they were dinner parties not casual suppers. If you notice, Jesus had a large social circle which would make sense. How do carpenters get clients? God created us to be social creatures, not robots.