There were two things that Adam was surprised to see that day in Eden, one was Eve and the other was his nards between his legs
There were 3 things that surprised Adam that day. The third being his superfluous bellybutton.
by sinis 21 Replies latest jw friends
There were two things that Adam was surprised to see that day in Eden, one was Eve and the other was his nards between his legs
There were 3 things that surprised Adam that day. The third being his superfluous bellybutton.
I've often wondered what was going on with the Genesis men. It was nothing for them to go 100 years or more without having their first kid. Unless they were practicing some kind of ancient rhythm method or stuffing pebbles into the wombs of their wives (I hear this is done with camels), why the long delay?
Adam 130 until Seth (granted, this is after Cain, Abel, and the sisters)
Seth 105 until Enosh
Enosh 90 until Kenan
Kenan 70 until Mahalalel
Mahalalel 65 until Jared
Jared 162 until Enoch
Enoch 65 until Methuselah
Methuselah 187 until Lamech
Lamech 182 until Noah
Noah 500 until Shem
Now, maybe they were pumping out tons of girls until then and the Bible only mentions the first male, but I kind of doubt it.
The thing that always creeped me out was who was Cain and Able screwing to make their off-spring ?
who was Cain and Able screwing
There's no record of Abel, but Cain obviously took his sister. The repulsion of incest is purely social and indoctrinated. I'm not saying it's wrong, but if you were to meet your sister years after being separated at birth and she's hot, but you don't realize she's your sister; it's not like you won't find her attractive. I personally know a woman who married a first cousin she didn't know was related to her. When some of her family found out, they were mortified, because they realized who he was.
Does the bible say he took his sister and how could Cain not know his own sister ?
There wasn't a lot of people around since Adam and Eve were the only family .
I think we need Donald Trump to investigate this .
Maybe Adan and Eve divorced and this separated the family ?
Yeah, the whole "Cain married his sister" thing never sat well with me and was one of the things that caused me to investigate the bible itself.
Cain went off on his own, away from his family. It doesn't say he took anyone with him! SO how was it that he married his sister if he was off on his own and so far away? This makes me think there were other peoples alive at the same time and he took a wife from among them. There are WAY too many holes in the bible story for it to be the least bit credible. Way too much room for speculation.
With that Cain went away from the face of Jehovah and took up residence in the land of Fugitiveness to the east of E′den. Afterward Cain had intercourse with his wife and she became pregnant and gave birth to E′noch. - Gen 4:17
Nothing about him leaving alone. He may have already taken a wife before the Abel thing went down. He was the oldest, after all. If there were 130 years between Abel and Seth, who knows how many years were between Cain and Abel. There's no mention of how old either was when the one killed the other, either.
SINIS- I think if Adam had waited 130 years before having sex with Eve- he'd have had a SERIOUS case of blue balls by then ! Of course I speak as a man myself - no way in HELL I'd wait 130 years ! I start getting stressed after just a week with no sex ! Jeez
I looked up this book in wikipedia. There is no copy in existence from OT dates. What we have now is a fake.
It is interesting. Wikipedia has another article on the lost books of the OT,at which I did not have time to read. I understand the book of Mormon goes into outer space.
The whole Adam and Eve thing is sexual. It seems to say that creation was sexless. Was it God's plan to not reproduce Adam and Eve? They must have been so lonely and not self-sustaining. What did they do? Why did God give them genitalia if they weren't supposed to use it? Of all the stories in the Bible, Adam and Eve sounds the most far-fetched. What about orgasms? Scientists say there is an important part of the nature of human orgasm separate from animal orgasm. I can't recall what it is.
It pairs the Fall with sexuality. How did they know how to know each other? Adam had no mother-in-law or belly button. I don't know whether the surrounding cultures equate creation, fall and sexuality. And we know who wrote the story? Not a woman.
The whole Adam and Eve thing is sexual. It seems to say that creation was sexless. Was it God's plan to not reproduce Adam and Eve? They must have been so lonely and not self-sustaining. What did they do? Why did God give them genitalia if they weren't supposed to use it? Of all the stories in the Bible, Adam and Eve sounds the most far-fetched. What about orgasms? Scientists say there is an important part of the nature of human orgasm separate from animal orgasm. I can't recall what it is
Good thing women don't have to have an orgasm to get pregnant, Adam being inexperienced and all..