took my final final exam to end my course work
for my AAS in complementary and alternative
medicine, so when all the applications and
filing fees are paid, i will be a Class III clinical
aromatherapist .... i still have to take the 2
semester program in Therapeutic Massage
but by this time next year i will be hanging
a shingle as a holistic healthcare practitioner...
my final course was an organic chem course
related to essential oils... i DREADED taking it
since the program began, thinking i couldnt
"do" chemistry.... very pleased to note that
the ONLY final i have ever made 100% on
was that one.... seriously turned a page for me...
first time i truly "got it" when taking a chem course
pathology, pathophysiology and protocols,
A&P, nutrition, herbal medicine, aromatherapy
materia medicas... 60 credits in total... 3.98
ta DA!