***They do however, preach, with a certain smug satisfaction, that Jehovah is going to anihilate several billion people.
***Take the time to look closely at some of the WT images.
They also preach that most of those will fall in a human caused self-destruction, a global great catastrophic tribulation (you do the math). We are not unaware of the depopulation agenda of the UN NWO, as many are, not to mention the potential annihilation in the nuclear arsenal, which HAARP weapons can make look like firecrackers.
In 1/2 hour, of only a 10% conflagration, over a billion people can be incinerated with only a 50% strike success rate. An all out nuclear chain reaction could last hours.
A fully empowered HAARP related technology strike, employing 14 bases and the space elements of that weaponry, can annihilate everything in a matter of micro-waving a bag of popcorn, each region per bag, so, less than an hour.
We humans are the ones, who have decided to destroy billions, don't try to sfift the blame upon the Almighty, he does what will have to be done to CUT THE DAYS short.
He has also warned the world fairly and 4 squarely. (Atleast someone in this universe is going to do something about it, thank God, the one.)
Our blood is in our own hands, on our own heads, we have sown, and so shall we reap.
Let us take responsibility for what we ALL had a hand in creating here, since the days of Adam, instead of the typical human cop out to blame God and whine about why he must remove human error from the realm, the same way we administer it upon eachother. By force.
Finally God will play by our own super power arena game rules, and Jesus yes, comes for blood, not prisoners except demons. Man asked for it, Satan is delivering it, not God, recall.
Jehovah remains, as usual, blameless.
Translation: It's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault. I screwed up and it's all me, it's all me. I am worthless without YOU.
The words of a beaten wife trying to make sense of a senseless situation. You are right God is not to blame...