thanks for all the comments My whole point is it's easy to stand up to any jw with a little knowledge. Jw's try to ware (sp) you down . I use the reverse tactics on them and make them wilt. jw's are all FLUFF ...once you ask them what i the world would make Jesus choose the WTBTS in 1914 they fall apart I have asked 1000's of jw's to study with me what the WTS TEACHED TILL 1914? I NEVER ONCE REICEVED A CALL BACK. NEVER
showdown at midnight with jw dad
by JunkYardDog 37 Replies latest jw friends
I don't want to burst your bubble or change the theme of the thread, but FYI there has not been found any Christian crosses amongst the ruins of Pompei circa 79. A cross shape was found on one wall, which could also have simply been the imprint of wall brackets ( the Cross of Herculaneum). With very few exceptions, this is not seen by scholars as evidence the cross was in use as a Christian symbol at that time.
As for the argument with your father - I agree with sizemik: Instead of putting your Dad down . . . try to get him out . . .
It's not his fault he has a closed mind. JWs are trained to think that way. I was a blind asshole too once. But there is always hope, if you can learn to handle it better.
Black Sheep
As for the argument with your father - I agree with sizemik: Instead of putting your Dad down . . . try to get him out . . .
You think he's not trying to do that, Shepherd?
My old man told me that if he found out the WT had lied to him, he would leave. I showed him that they had lied to him. He has never attempted to demonstrate that they hadn't, or that I was wrong. What did he do? Same as JYD's Dad, but not in the middle of the night. If my Dad want's to play whack-a-mole by popping is head up with a new topic without answering the old one he'll get smacked down too. He deserves to understand that he has wasted his life. He deserves to understand the damage he and his converts have done to so many families and their children. He hasn't been an innocent victim for decades.
The problem for the the likes of JYD and myself is that their is no nice way of getting them out. Once they don't trust you they turn into Mr Hyde. There is no way I am going to get baptised and spend years pretending I believe a load of crap to get my parents confidence so that I can nudge them out from the inside. They lied to me. They know they lied to me. They know I know they lied to me. They know I know they know they lied to me. They have to deal with it and keep their cultishness out of my face.
"If my Dad want's to play whack-a-mole by popping is head up with a new topic without answering the old one he'll get smacked down too."
The problem is that is not going to help him see for himself what you and I can already see. It takes patience...lots of it.
"The problem for the the likes of JYD and myself is that there is no nice way of getting them out."
I don't agree at all - in fact I think the opposite - there is no nasty way that is going to get them out!! OK They lied to you, but most of all they are lying to themselves, and until they see that for themselves they will not have opened eyes. However, it is not impossible and it is never too late.
There are lots in this very forum that would admit that when they were deep inside the Org it was almost impossible to see past it - but somehow they did in the end, so don't give up and try not to alienate the very people you want/need to help.
Black Sheep
There is nothing nasty about not accepting BS from someone, especially someone who trained you not to accept BS.
The same goes for honesty. He taught me all about honesty .......... he better live by it.
He has to feel guilt every time he uses a double standard. He gets away with it with everyone else on the planet, that doesn't mean I have let him off too.
Letting him off lightly just condones and encourages his bad behaviour.
Broken Promises
I agree with shepherd. I think JYD's approach is not the way to get his dad out.
But then, I suspect he hasn't called himself "JunkYardDog" for nothing.
Black Sheep
The only thing I disagree with is going at more than one subject.
Remember that his Dad rang him. Not the other way around.
I made a deal with mine. He doesn't bring up religion and I won't ask for answers to the questions I have already asked.
I never break the deal .......
i understand. my family always "brings up the topic" then get all contrary when i call bs when they wave it under my nose.
I agree with Black Sheep regarding sticking to a single topic . . . otherwise it simply comes across as an attack or self-justification, both of which will get nowhere. It only takes one pin to burst a bubble.
How you present the topic however is crucial, and only each individual can be truly cognisant of his/her particular situation along with thier own true motive . . . so it's impossible for others to judge this.
With regard to method . . . I've always felt Aesop's Fable about the argument between the Sun and the Wind holds a valuable lesson.
Also a well known adage holds true . . .
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
It doesn't hurt to change one's approach occasionally In JYD's case . . . I think his OP makes clear his intention . . . what I can't understand is his reason for posting it . . . approval perhaps? . . . someone to cheer him on? . . . well he won't get that from me. -
J. Hofer
not everyone had the same type of upbringing. some did have a nice childhood and have a great relationship with their parents, some had hell to walk through and hate their parents or at least one of them with a passion. so what?