Your Disfellowshipping Experience

by 1975 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • 1975

    What was your emotional reaction when you were x-communicated? Where you devastaed? Where you joyful? I ask this question because I went through this experience a few times. My last experience was a joyful one, I had been illuminated and I haven't regretted it since. They did me a favor.


  • JamesWHudson

    I was over joyed,I had to find a way for them to leave me a lone so I went in to get disfellowshipped.what ever question they asked me I admitted to it,They asked me if I have fornicated and i told them yes and with 2 women at one time...boy did i get their attention.I showed up in my SUV smoking and drinking beer when they pulled up they seen it all.The nuts even had the gall to ask me if I was smoking when they seen it. I told them that wasn't all that I had been smoking....

  • 1975

    JWHud, thanks for the laugh. I hope I get more encouraging comments. I'm wondering what these 'dodo' birds were thinking when you told them these things.


  • nugget

    I had mixed feelings. From my perspecitive and that of my children it was good to draw a line under that part of my life and be free of the pressure. However inevitably there was the loss of family members and friendships and there was deep sadness over this because they were stuck in and totally indoctrinated. They have never told me officially, I would not attend their committee, answer their calls or open their mail why would I let that poison into my home but the letters themselves would imply we have been DF'd even though they got the address wrong.

    I was surprised that when I went to tell the school what had happened and that the children may be unsettled I burst into tears. I think the forty years inside had taught me that this was a bad thing and my sub concious reacted to it accordingly making me depressed and tearful.

    Now that things have had a chance to settle down I am content for me I needed to be free totally without the need to refer to their rules and restrictions. My children needed to be who they are and build friendships, celebrate holidays without fear of getting caught or inadventently dropping us in it. I needed to know that they were not going to hound us any more without thought or regard for my children's well being.

  • Billzfan23

    Mine was so premeditated it's not even funny. I knew it was coming, was avoiding it...and was glad that it was over. I skipped all the meetings, and was disfellowshipped with zero contact whatsoever. Piece of cake...

  • anniegirl76

    Wow, I struggled. I thought is was all over, it took me years (7) to come to terms with it, and I'm doing better. I was born and raised in it, my mother and brother are still in it. My amazing husband and children are incredible as a support team. When I was df'ed I went to the committee meeting and got a phone call it had happened, I was no longer a memeber of the JW's, the phone call came from my mom. My whole world and family was there, I had to learn how to start over, and I love every minute of it now.

  • ProdigalSon

    I was railroaded by a corrupt, domineering, mysogenist PO.... a total Pharisee.... because several congregation members, particularly women, but also one mentally challenged brother, were confiding their feelings to me and so I called the PO out, asked him for a back-room meeting, and told him that 2 Corinthians 2:11 applied to him.... about being "overeached by Satan" and being unforgiving and merciless. Next thing I know, he builds a bogus case against me, and disfellowshipped me for retro-active holiday house-decorating (yes, I admitted to helping put the tree and the lights up) while I was inactive and married to a Catholic woman, who was raising my kids Catholic! It didn't matter that I had already been divorced for three years. LOL! So anyway, I still believed it was "The Truth", and that Jehovah was a Pharisee too. I was filled with hopelessness and despair, not only for myself, but for all of humanity. Imagine a New System filled with nothing but these assholes....makes Satan's system look like Shangri-La....

    Then I found out about three years ago that countless philosophers, gnostics, Masters, and even the Founding Fathers all knew that Biblegod was a dickhead, and all is well.

  • tenyearsafter

    Mine was pretty uneventful...I wasn't going to change my course, so it was a couple questions and then DF'ed. Other than having a few family still in, I have not really looked back.

  • mouthy

    I was devastated....I wanted to kill myself,Thought i was another Judas..
    The only reason I didnt jump under the bus.Was a young fellow came around the
    corner as I was about to do it...Thought it would leave him horrible thoughts.
    I begged Jehovah to let me "SEE" the 1914 doctrine..( the reason I was df for)
    I was out "in the world" for 2 years!!!! before a couple of great folks found me.
    Took me to an ex JW convention & WOW!!!! I got my mind "unlocked"Did lose
    my daughter & granddaughter but that is par for the course

  • 1975

    Thanks for your experiences. I hope others will get to read them, as it will fortify their determination to think positive about their experience. Don't let this org. get the upper hand about their DF'd practice.


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