Wouldn't a flash mob be fantastic at a JW convention?
by Mickey mouse 23 Replies latest jw friends
That would be a first. Tears of joy over here. Too cute. Don't waste such wonderful energy on those not deserving. That was precious!!!
First question, what music would we play? How about a free hugs campaign?
First question, what music would we play?
Obvious: Michael Jackson's "Thriller" - and doing the Zombie dance! I bet we could clear a stadium in under a minute.
Mickey mouse
I think it's really hard NOT to dance to one of the songs in the sequence: Do you love me by The Contours.
I don't think you'd get most dubs Dirty Dancing though.
Isn't it amazing that the human race, as a whole, is good? People get wrapped up in their own lives and sometimes forget to look at the world as a whole but all in all, they are kind people. How could a loving God just kill them all?
I'm referring to the T-Mobile ad. That was great! It just made everyone's day!
Mickey mouse
I love flash mobs!
Humans, as rule are good, Iconoclast. It's wonderful to see strangers get together from out of nowhere in a sense common goodness and wholesomeness like that. And have fun at it. It was truly pulling at my heart to see so much positive energy coming from that. Gives promise to man's capacity to be at peace with one another.