As long as there are showers and bars of soap there will be sex.......
Will there be sex in paradise
by beenthere26yr 40 Replies latest jw friends
Reality79...No Sex For You....To the back of the line
If all the past human inhabitants return via resurrection there wont be a need for reproduction, if there's no need for reproduction,
sex will become redundant.
Sorry folks looks like everyone is going to be celibate in Paradise , so you better get your rocks off now, while you still can.
If there will be no death in Paradise, you can just imagine how full the earth would be with no one dieing and all those folks being resurrected.
Boggles the mind doesn't it. ?
And no, masturbation will not be allowed
Jesus said to them: “The children of this system of things marry and are given in marriage, but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. In fact, neither can they die anymore, for they are like the angels, and they are God’s children by being children of the resurrection. - Luke 20:34-36
Luke's version makes more sense. Notice he says "those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the resurrection from the dead", leading me to believe everybody there will be unmarried. Also notice the "they are like the angels" part has to do with eternal life, not sex or marriage.
Massive orgy! No jealousy, no STDs, no unwanted children. Just one big happy human family sharing the communal load (no pun intended).
Oh, and God created marijuana, coca, poppies, etc. for a reason. I think the hippies had it closest with their lifestyle. Only problem is, imperfection, drugs, and unrestrained sex don't mix. There were only 2 rules in Eden and neither were about adultery or fornication.
The question reminded me of this song:
Reality79 said:
There ain't gonna be no 'paradise earth'. The very idea itself is absolute foolishness and doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. I heard one crazy 'sister' say in paradise we may all be naked again because that was god's original purpose.
Well then; since paradise is just around the corner we just as well get naked right now so we're ready!
Hi beenthere26yr,
Sorry, I'm already dressed for today. Once that happens I stay this way until bed time. I blame this routine on this blasted society.
I still wear clothes at bedtime, but, they are called jamies. I think that we will be having sex in the New System of things, but, I believe that we will not call it that. I think that it will be a new word on the New Scrolls. Of course this in new light to be be revealed at some later time.
Honestly, I haven't had anything to drink today.
St George of England
Also notice the "they are like the angels" part has to do with eternal life, not sex or marriage.
I was thinking about sex during the WT today.
If the angels are neither male nor female then why did they just fancy the good looking women? Why did not some of them go the other way and fancy the good looking guys and transform themselves into gorgeous nubile women that could seduce any man?
It just shows what a complete cock & bull story Genesis really is!
I don't have jamies. Sorry
and George:
Don't you know the elders might send you away if they knew you thought about sex unless they told you to?