I think I remember reading about this on the forum recently but I can't remember where. Can someone show me the exact quote?
Was there a WT recently that instructs to shun inactive Witnesses?
by slimboyfat 15 Replies latest jw friends
"If we stop actively supporting Jehovah’s work, then we start following Satan. There is no middle ground. —Matt.12:30" WT 2011, 7/15 page 18, par. 15
Hopefully this won't be blown up into something bigger than it is- It isn't WT "policy" yet and may never be. The quote warns that if we aren't active then we are already playing into Satan's hands- this is not a new ploy on WT's part. They are just trying to stir up more activity as always and deflect people away from gossip, (the point of the paragraph) which you can't fault them for.
BUT it could be some sort of prelude to a bigger idea. But that's a pretty big BUTT lol.
Thanks that's what I was looking for. I agree it is not exactly new but somewhat surprising they would come out with this sort of language again.
I just read the comment in context in the online edition. It is really weird because the context is talking about not gossiping and meddling in other people's affairs and then this statement comes out of the blue, like a totally random additional thought. I can't see what the connection is at all. What am I missing?
Well the theme of the entire article is not listening to apostates and how it can drag us down and stop our zeal. AND they are equating internet research to scriptures on gossip and "gadding about unoccupied".
seems there was a couple of posts since last summer's conventions re/shunning inactive and, of course, DF'd ones. out of the clear blue someone's father/mother stopped contact. i was shunned personally (i left about 1997 and never was that active) since last summer at the mall and walmart by a pioneer/hardliner --- the other one was a salesclerk (at 5-star dept. store and she'd been transferred to a new dept. where i already have a clerk) who shunned me a couple of times w/out my paying any attention. i had mentioned to her the last time we spoke about the ole goats in brooklyn killing people with their stupid blood policy when she was croaking on & on about just trusting in Jehovah. i told her i do trust God but not the crooks in brooklyn and maybe that's the reason she shunned me. i couldn't care less whether they shun me or not because i'd rather give my money (sales commissions) to decent people. funny thing 2nd time i ran into the pioneer/hardliner she ran up to me and was syrupy and i was shocked. had to remember to show love to these brainwashed fools and act like a christian.
i've relayed this info to many christians of different faiths and levels of status --- people CANNOT BELIEVE a religion really tells their adherents to act like this. so UNCHRIST LIKE -- DUH!!! i hope the losers in brooklyn keep it up. i couldn't believe it back in the late 80's when i'd hear family members were cut off --- and i should have paid attention. what a loser-business the watchtower is. the worse they act the more i tell everyone and spread the truth about them.
sbf --- I just read the comment in context in the online edition.
I know this is a dumb question, but I really want to read this new WT and tried to find it online last week. Is it accessible? Tks.
also, the members' version of watchtower had paragraph about trusting Jah and not associating, whatever, with DF'd AND DISASSOCIATED/INACTIVE (INACTIVE, DISASSOCIATED, these are the same, i'm assuming) --- it was the study article of the special talk sunday and Metatron (?) posted about. they want bodies inside no matter NO MATTER --- what a pathetic publishing co.
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