Atheist believe in aliens but not God?

by StopTheTears 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    [retracted because I posted in infuriated haste . . .]

  • PSacramento

    I have no problems with Aliens and I for one am looking forward to serving our Alien Overlords when the time comes

  • JonathanH

    A large portion of where people who are religiously minded misunderstand atheists is in the difference in how we "believe". For the religious mind something is either true or false, right or wrong. For the secular mind a probability is attached the the possibility of something being true or not. It's not a matter of aliens are real god is dumb, I have faith in one and not the other. Rather the probablity of biological aliens having evolved seperately on another planet is greater than the probability of a supernatural all father with a distinct dislike for certain sexual practices.

    Do I "believe" in aliens? I believe it's a statistical possibility but there is not sufficient evidence to show that they have visited earth. But within the realms of what we know are possible there is nothing to rule out that abiogenesis occured on another planet in the goldilocks zone some where amongst the billions of galaxies with their billions of stars. This does not contradict any knowledge on the material universe and how it works.

    Some sort of invisible magical man with a propensity for violence and demands that has the power and knowledge to create the universe without ever actually having a beginning himself has neither evidence, nor a basis for belief in light of what we do know about the universe. Is it possible something like that exists? Sure, but the probability of it is so low I wouldn't base anything on my life on it, that is to say I would not consider it to be "true".

  • cantleave

    Stop the tears, the possibility of life evolving on other planets where the conditions are right, is far more probable than the infinite existence of a highly complex, omniscient creator.

    Get yourself an education and start thinking man.

  • unshackled

    There is no science or logic behind God.

    FifthofNov....and there is no science or logic behind the OP.

  • Mad Sweeney
  • Finally-Free

    It's all just a waste of time and energy. Nothing can be proven, so it's all just opinion. The reality is that we are born, we eat, shit, screw, work and die. Believing or disbelieving in God or aliens doesn't change this reality for anyone.

    Life is short. Instead of wasting time arguing about the unprovable, try living life instead.


  • StopTheTears

    Get yourself an education and start thinking man.

    I am a woman.

  • nicolaou

    You still need educating lady!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am an atheist that believes that there may be life on other planets. The odds that such life has ever come to earth is pretty insignificant as they would have to be incredibly advanced beyond humans and "noticed" us here and even bothered with us. We may be needing to get out to them if all that isn't true.

    As far as God being an alien who created life here, it is possible that the primordial soup got it's start with alien help, but nobody created all the lifeforms "according to their kind." So, while it is highly unlikely, it is possible that evolution had a little help. But this only pushes off the idea of creation- who created the alien?

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