Do you think some elders stay in the organization just because of prestige and getting horny at some Judicial Committee meetings?
Two possible reasons why some elders stay in the organization.
by Iamallcool 24 Replies latest jw experiences
I think, some stay in because they do not have alternative life after the organisation. To them, everything outside the WTS is doomed. Look! if its harder for the ordinary rank and file to leave, how much its more its for the head ? The many years of indoctrination is certainly another factor. I do not think judicial committee meetings are pleasant affair for them.
I think it may be a wonderful proving ground to assert one's manhood as it is entirely run by men. No women at the helm in nearly any capacity. It's archaic, maybe a bit sexist. But you can certainly stand up and be a man in the bOrg where many men, especially in this western society chose to stand for nothing.
Why would they not? All the elders I know have good financial situations and that is at least the merit of the Society's patronage. They are perceived as good business partners by the sheep, I guess.
JW GoneBad
Sad to say, prestige is a big factor. Another big factor would be pride, IMO.
Of course there are those 'older men' who truly do serve in the capacity of Elder with the proper motive, however they are in the minority, again IMO.
You would think that the many obvious flaws of the WTBTS and its' teachings would be enough for an honest man to opt out or step down as Elder. So such factors as prestige and pride may be what causes him to want to stay and continue serving.
The feeling of power may be another factor that keeps an individual serving.
I think many are aware, at least sub-consciously, that they would be nothing outside of the org. and yet inside they have respect, power and a constant boosting of their ego.
some may, but the majority no.
Most stay because they really believe its the truth.
Some may be disillusioned, but have no real alternative. That can really suck at times. The deeper you're in, the harder you can get out.
For an elder, even to quit his responsibilities,this brings up several aspects:
1) questions why ? What reason can ge give with what consequences ? If he says it is stress related, what other elders will offer help to relieve stress, but at the same time pressure him to remain. Is it health, well, its no reason to quit. Is some bad conduct ? Well further investigations are being made. Worst of all, does he have doubts ? Is he spiritual weak or even borderline apostate ?
2) Rumors will start, regardless, since the reasons for quiting are not announced. Family will suffer to some extent. Especially if the elder was known as liberal and open minded, this might backfire too.
3) His position to help others, especially family, to think about certain matters are being diminished. He even might become "bad association" sooner as you can say "governing body"
All this would not matter, if he is single and has no family in the "truth", then he could pull out easily, perhaps loosing his social envrionment, but able to build up a new one. This might be also difficult, but its more worth it than loosing his family or marriage too.
However, it all comes down to ones personal situation anyway.
Room 215
Although in the minority. there are those who see things clearly, and think they might serve as the "voice of reason" for the friends to turn to for balanced, temperate, compassionate counsel. In this, they of course run the risk of conflict with the hard-liners on the body.
As long as they remain inside the organisation they can always be big fish in a small pond (you reading this, David Bailey??), so many have no reason to leave. If they were to go out in the big wide world and face the reality, they will see that they are not the gods they think they are.