JAPANS EARTHQUAKE - Aftershock Sequence

by sizemik 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • sizemik

    Below is a link to an interactive map of the Japanese Earthquake and it's Aftershock Sequence.

    There are a number of interactive tools enabling a close examination of what took place . . . ie; you can speed up the sequence and select various periods of activity. You can also pause the sequence and hover the pointer over specific Quakes to determine depth, magnitude etc.

    The map will open beginning with day one . . . the main Earthquake occurs around 14:40 JST on the clock at the top.

    It's a very interesting and informative site for those with an interest in Seismology. but also very informative for all, as to what the Japanese people have had to endure in recent times. All of the aftershocks from mid-4's upwards will have been felt on the East Coast at least.

    Speaking from experience . . . aftershock sequences such as this are extremely frightening and have a cumulative effect over time.

    Anyone from Japan who has been experiencing this . . . our hearts are with you, you haven't been forgotten . . . we would love for you to comment. Others may wish to contribute also.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Ahhh sizemik...an earthquake thread. I promise not to mess this one up for you. Actually, I find the subject very intersting.

  • Gayle

    thank you sizemik,,the constancy of all those shocks showing with the time clock is stunning. To recover, physical, emotionally, materially, financially for this country would be incomprehensable. Still a heartache to hear their reports and the long term affects. Recent report for in Japan shows over 15K died and yet over 9K missing.

  • cantleave

    Murray that is fascinating - thanks for posting.

  • freydo
  • freetosee
  • sizemik

    The post is getting plenty of views . . . hope everyone is taking a peek at the link . . . you only have to load it and wait. Well worth a visit . . . but I'm biased in that view of course. Bumping for newcomers.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    will take a look tomorow...when my internet stops being sloooooooooooooow


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    That map is really quite scary....with the sticky dots. Do they have anything like this for NZ?

  • watersprout

    Oh my that is frightening! Thanks for the link really interesting.

    I had heard on the News that with all the after shocks, the Japenese are suffering from severe motion sickness..... Can't begin to imagine the fear they must be experiencing.


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