@transhuman68 - Too true. The Cognitive Dissonance is too much.
Jehovah's witness meetings are NOT BORING......
by punkofnice 122 Replies latest jw experiences
The meetings were mind numbing to say the least. I like reading material that makes me think, not material that at the end of the day is going to give a headache.
As a teenager operating the sound system, I would plug earphones into the tape machine and listen to the Eagles during the meetings. Watchout for the volume control on the mixer or else everyone in the KH would be listening in also!!!
Other mischief that helped make the meetings not so boring was 'adjusting' the schedules on the information board, you know... crossing out someones name on the TMS schedule or the double-ended arrow to show a switch for an assignment. Sometimes it worked and caused a little confusion... (whaddya mean I have a talk tonight? It got switched with Br. Goofy right?'
After the meeting, I would change the main microphone cable to another nearby plug so the next congo sound guys would turn up #1 and go crazy trying to figure out what the problem was (no, no, Brother you need to turn up #2)
Cueing up the wrong song for the next brother to take a turn at the sound console half-way through the meeting (Yeah buddy, everything is ready for you)
Sorry, I had to have something to keep me busy.
not boring
it deponds on what tablets your on
most jw are on medication
what are you on
diana netherton
I loved to write (still do) and I would note every stupid thing that came out of anyone's mouth. Needles to say,
rarely stopped writing. I collected all the sheets of paper and put them in a folder. I lost the folder years
ago..or I think when I moved out of my parents' house I left it and they did. Shame though. There were
some real good ones.
One time my older sister (who wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed) was reading from a scripture,
the one about the stars will answer in applause, and instead of applause, she said applesauce.
I got sent to the back with a right rolicking for laughing so hard.
Are babies in the meeting or in a nursery. Are all children in the regular meeting or is there a children's ministry separate somewhere? Making a young child sit through an adult meeting is retarded.
I actually paid attention. Cringing at people's gross lack of reading ability, and how boring this particularly sterile article seems....I'd feel a slight relief once they got past paragraph 10. Once I could carry the microphone, it was like being a wide receiver or possibly an X-Wing pilot trying to get to his target. Some days I felt really tired or really hungry during the meeting. And I was always a little nervous.
Sometimes I'd have to resist the temptation to look at a cute sister, especially when I hand them the microphone and they've got some cleavage going on. It was a mental battle, like Xavier and Dark Phoenix or something. But mostly I paid attention. I think I could see that we were all really just watching each other, like it was some kind of police state. That always creeped me out, but I never understood that it meant something other than that there was nothing I could do about it.
I'd get into this kind of weird zone after staring at the speaker for long enough. It felt like things weren't quite real. Not all the meetings were boring, though. Articles about sex, marriage, or dating always got my attention. Later it was articles about DF'ing. It wasn't so bad, guys! Come on! Now conventions--THAT was the true horror...
Are babies in the meeting or in a nursery. Are all children in the regular meeting or is there a children's ministry separate somewhere? Making a young child sit through an adult meeting is retarded.
Children are in the meeting and are encouraged to answer questions. They do so easily. Not surprising. Often the questions can be easily answered by a five year old.
Mr. Falcon
Hey punkofnice, I saw this post days ago and couldn't quite answer it at that time. But I've been thinking about this and I have realized (at least at my congregation) that one of the reasons why the meetings are so incredibly boring is that it's just sales pitch classes. "How to get them locked into a Bible Study 101". They don't even really teach doctrine anymore. Not that doctrine is interesting either, but if you're like me or a lot of other people on this board, you find the stupid gimmicky sales pitches to be irritating and insulting. And having to sit thru 2 hours a meeting of that rubbish is enough to make you envy the dead.
The people who actually are delusional enought to "enjoy" the meetings are poor souls who are so brainwashed that they actually think that they are doing a "life saving work". So like the braindead zombies who play audience members on infomercials, these simpletons "eagerly await with keen anticipation" every stupid poorly-written talk.
"Oooooohhhhh..... Ahhhhhhh!!!"
When I was a kid, in the basement of our hall all the supplies for the Circuit and District ASSemblies were stored there. Me and my mates managed to break into these storage areas to find anything edible. The big score was finding the boxes of sugar cubes! We later used these for sugar cube dodgeball...it was a hoot!