USS Ceasar Chavez- Si or No Bueno
by designs 17 Replies latest social current
Si bueno! It's a cargo ship, it will probably carry tomatoes and strawberries picked by illegal aliens.
Band on the Run
Cesar Chavez is the reason why I am an active Christian today. One day in NY my subway was out so I walked down a new block. There was this massive cathedral there. The placard said Cesar Chavez and Geraldo Rivera (a bad local reporter) were preaching. i drove in from Jersey to check it out and fell in love.
Maybe they will name the next one after Sean Penn, for his courage in saving the USS Grandstander during the Katrina disaster.
Personally, I don't get the question. Why not the USS Ceasar Chavez? What's the criteria, other than being a great/influential American? Surely Mr. Chavez can be considered one or the other. Or both? What, is it his Hispanic name? Maybe you would prefer the USS "Timothy McVeigh"? That's pretty "American." Oh, wait, no... he was an American "terrorist." Oh, wait, no, "America" doesn't have terrorists. Those only come from "other" (non-American) countries.
Seriously, dear designs (peace to you, truly...), what exactly were you hoping to provoke? I hope I didn't disappoint.
A slave of Christ,
SA, who marvels that some people really haven't a clue... or maybe they do...
it will probably carry tomatoes and strawberries picked by illegal aliens.
Well, somebody's gotta pick 'em, dear NB (peace to you, as well), and as George W readily admitted, "Americans don't wanna do it." And please don't tell me that they do/would... and that these folks are "taking [our] jobs." Because I see lines of "day laborers" in virtually every town in the Greater SF Bay Area... and they're always... ALWAYS... Hispanics. Never a white rice kernal or black jelly bean in the bunch. Never. EVER. In SPITE of the outcries that "We ain't got no jobs" and the huge unemployment rate in this country, right now.
Americans want cushy, "clean", high paying jobs. Or at least jobs with a pension or 401k. Field labor, however, is hard, dirty, backbreaking... [most times less than] minimum wage employment... with no thought of retirement contributions/plans in sight. And no "self-respecting American" ... be he/she black, white... or green... is going to do it.
Your comment was so out of line.
A slave of Christ, who spent many a summer pickin' cotton, tobacco, cucumbers, and melons... 'cuz I had to or get my butt whipped by Granpa... but would NEVER do it for it a living and so am grateful for WHOEVER is doing it... legally OR illegally... 'cuz I LIKE strawberries and tomatoes and have NO problem with someone trying to work to feed their family (!!)... as every able-bodied person WOULD do... if found in the same circumstances and situation...
The US Navy used to have a very clear protocol of naming ships.
Aircraft Carriers: battles, pervious ships
Battleships: States
Cruisers: Cities
Destroyers: deceased navel personel
Ammunition ships: Volcanoes
I forget the others.
That system is gone. The navy now has to deal with naming ships after self promoting congressman and their buddies/contributors.
The US Navy used to have a very clear protocol of naming ships.
I dunno, dear Jeff (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!): my father served on the U.S. Constellation (the "Connie", No. 64, and my favorite!), Enterprise, Kittyhawk, and Tripoli... between 1947 and 1974. Aricraft carriers, all. Excluding the Tripoli, what do the other three have in common... with one another, battles, or such protocol?
And I could be wrong but isn't the "Dwight D. Eisenhower" an aircraft carrier (vs. a destoyer)? And isn't he a "dead" president (as well as a dead army guy)... vs. a dead navy guy... or a battle?
Not trying to contend, truly; just trying to understand...
SA, on her own
There are the old naming conventions, and there are modern ones. Here are the modern ones, the old ones are also available at the link.
- Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines (SSBN and SSGN) are named after states, except for USS Henry M. Jackson (SSBN-730).
- Attack submarines (SSN) are named after cites in the case of the older Los Angeles class and after states in the newer Virginia class submarines. One ship is named after a fish/other submarine and another is named after US president Jimmy Carter (the only president to serve in the Submarine service); another (now decommissioned) was named after nuclear-submarine pioneer Admiral Hyman Rickover.
- Aircraft carriers (CV) are named after American admirals and politicians, usually presidents.
- Amphibious assault ships (LPH, LHA and LHD) are named after early American sailing ships, Marine Corps battles or legacy names of earlier WWII era carriers.
- Cruisers (CG) are named after battles.
- Destroyers (DDG) and frigates (FFG) retain their traditional naming conventions after Navy, Coast Guard and Marine heroes, except for USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG-81).
- Other amphibious vessels are named after cities or important places in US and US Naval history.
- Fast combat support ships are named for distinguished supply ships of the past.
- Replenishment oilers were named for shipbuilders and marine and aeronautical engineers, but have returned to the older convention of river names.
- Dry cargo ships (AKE) are named for American explorers and pioneers
Mr. Chavez was a Navy Veteran, served 1946-48 I believe. Personally I was pulling for Senior Zappata.