Jesus will come as LIGHTNING IN THE SKY!

by psychiatric 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Larsinger58

    THE REALITY IS: Christ returns in the flesh and leads a private life for a long time as the prodigal son. But the elect, who live in secret, wish to see his physical body, so that is afforded a brief television appearance. That is, a television appearance is seen over a wide area but only for a flash. So that's the most direct fulfillment of Jesus appearing to the public like "lightning." Lightning is bright but brief.

    Even so, at this stage, he only appears to the "tribes of the earth" which is a reference to the chosen. When they see him, they cry and beat themselves in lamentation becasue they see him in his spiritually dead state as the prodigal son.

    So, just for the RECORD, though I'm sure few here will appreciate it, the prodigal son messiah is tested for 40 years before presenting at the beginning of the 70th week, which is 1989-1996. That means he would be born in 1949-1950. This is shortly after the State of Israel is set up in 1948. As the Bible says, once the "fig tree" (State of Israel) begins to blossom then he is "near at the doors."

    Note that there is an imposed spiritual darkness regarding the messiah, darkness of the sun, moon and stars "immediately after the tribulation of those days", meaning immediately after the Holocaust. But the "eagles", those secret followers who undrestand Christ's presence and who are meant to see him know who he is and where he is from the time of his birth. Thus, "Wherever the CARCASS is, there the eagles will be gathered together." The messiah is called a "carcass" because he's a dead body for most of his life as the prodigal son. So when they see him, they see he is not an approved Christians, but living an immoral life, thus they mourn over his spiritual death.

    So to fulfill the prophecy, this private individual becomes a public figure or appears in public for just a very brief period of time, but over a large area. Modern technology affords this via television. So the actual messiah did appear on international television in cameo roles. Once on "20/20" in a show about transsexuals, and once on the "Gong Show" which has international syndication. So if you were of the chosen elect who longed to see the physical messiah, you only needed a television to see him. This fulfills his appearance like "lightning," meaning many could see him from coast to coast and even internationally, but just for a flash of time. If you missed that appearance or one of the re-runs then you would not be able to see him, because he is a private individual.

    So that's the ACTUAL fulfillment. The WTS is clueless about this, obviously, since they claim his appearance was in 1914 and invisible. Christ's appearance, indeed, is limited and private, but it is not invisible. Christ appears twice as the "son of man," that is, in the flesh.


  • designs

    Lightning in the sky..................I like it, nothing quite like a good lightning show

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I was about to say ask Lars, but here he is Christ himself among us on this very forum!! ....Now all get down and worship him in case he smites us with plagues FFS!!!!!

    Err no, ...dont bother asking him anything actually just move along, nothing to see here, ...nada zip.

    Every wondered what a bad job Jesus has done of advertising his kingdom by using the Witlesses? Strange that isnt it? Curious even, ...hmmmm.

  • glentrevette

    lars dont smoke crack

  • Larsinger58

    lars dont smoke crack

    Last time I checkec, crack was a natural derivitive from the coca leaf, which Jehovah created. Now why on earth would God create coca if he didn't want it to benefit mankind? Crack is natural, so don't sweat it. Not saying you should abuse it like some do alcohol or excessive foods.

  • godrulz

    The biblical, historical, orthodox position is that Jesus rose bodily from the dead with a glorified body. He was not recreated a spirit creature named Michael?! Just as He was seen ascending in the clouds, so in the same manner, He will come in power and glory, visibly, to rule and reign on earth. It is odd that JWs are such literalists and Pharisees over some things, but make other literal truths figurative when it does not fit their mold. Jesus did NOT return invisibly in 1914. There is no logical/biblical basis for this. His return for the church (rapture) and literal Second Coming with the church (revelation) is yet future. The rapture is imminent, the blessed hope of the church, but the Second Coming is preceded by 7 years of signs.

    There are not many essential truths that the WT gets right.

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