I have a job interview tommrow. I have looked on career builder and talked to my college career counselor.I some extra last minute pointers I feel a little nervous for my interview.
Job interview tips
by d 37 Replies latest jw friends
Found Sheep
if you have small kids don't tell or give any hits of one. They can't legaly ask but it will make a difference.
White Dove
Walk in the interview room with a big but sincere smile on your face looking very happy to meet the interviewer.
Look engaged in what they are saying.
Don't fidget.
Don't slouch.
Don't talk unless they ask you a question (thank you neighbor for sharing that one with me:)
It takes 8 positive actions on your part to cancel out a negative.
Don't drink too much coffee before (note to self).
Take prepared questions with you.
Don't ask about pay. That is for the second interview or third when an offer is made to you.
Know about the company and its vision.
Know about the people and boss, especially.
Hmm...can't think of anything else except for matching your dress style to that of your future co-workers and boss.
This is from reading a lot, not from any experience I've had.
Have a story ready about how you handled a sticky situation/conflict successfully on your last job. They like to ask that to get an idea of your attitude, problem-solving abilites, and ability to work well with others, esp. unpleasant people. It's important, I know that I lost out on getting one particular job cause I did not tell a good story.
Band on the Run
Don't reveal personal info. they cannot ask such as marital status or children. When I interviewed for major NY law firms. they would not dare ask. They send you to very young lawyers to relax you. You think you are talking to a classmate. Beware this tactic. The lawyer told me the giant photo of her child was there to elicit voluntary comments from women.
Research the company and look for the latest news. Obviously, this is much easier for some. If you can't find anything about the co, research the industry on the Internet. You don't have to know much. Dropping a line showing you cared enough to look should get you many points.
My biggest problem is confidence. Feel entitled, which is hard for anyone with witness training. You are a superb candidate - even if you aren't. Relax a bit before the interview and don't be late.
Some men put much cadence into handshakes - firm and look interviewers in eyes.
Thanks I will dress up and prepare questions. I have done most of the noted suggestions
Just go over the questions there until you feel confident you can answer them. In my recent string of interviews, every single question they asked me was on that list. Having prepared for them ahead of time allowed me to give concise, but thorough answers confidently.
White Dove
The kid thing might work to your benefit depending on the type of job you are interviewing for.
Having a wife and kids shows stability.
On the other hand, it could also show a need for time off when they get sick or you can't get a babysitter.
Caution on that one.
Never thought of the kid angle before.
When I interviewed for major NY law firms. they would not dare ask. They send you to very young lawyers to relax you. You think you are talking to a classmate. Beware this tactic. The lawyer told me the giant photo of her child was there to elicit voluntary comments from women.
Wow, I did not know this!
I do not have children and I am not married I am only 20yrs old.