The public relations industry, working with the corporate oligarchy, ensure that whoever takes power will become corrupted. You think the EPA protects the environment? No, they protect corporate interests as they relate to the environment. You think the FDA protects consumers? No, they protect corporate interests as they related to food and drugs. So 3rd-party, 2nd-party, whatever. Whoever winds up in Congress will be bought immediately.
Capitalism is the only morally and ethically correct economic system, because it is based on voluntary exchange and not coercion. The alternative branches toward socialism, collectivism and altruism.
The U.S. is closer to socialism than capitalism. Foreign goods made better and cheaper than U.S. goods? Stick tariffs on the foreign goods. Major automaker about to go out of business? Congress bails them out. Farmers get paid by the government to grow crops. Cities give "incentives" (cash) to companies to get them to stay within the cities tax roles. Capitalism? Hardly!
Corporatism is correctly described as an entity designed to make money, and that's all. This is not moral, nor ethical. It merely is. As a result, corporations can do morally repugnant things, all in the name of increasing shareholder wealth.
We have a government bought by special interests hired by the corporations who, by definition, have no morals in a quasi-socialistic system of handouts given by the same government supposedly watching over these corporations. The one thing this is not is either pure capitalism or a democracy.
And it is going to get worse.