I'm trying to figure out if I'm the only one. It actually feels weird because I would assume this is geared at teenage girls, not, like...28.8 year old men. But it seemed like an awesome adventure story, the best I've read apart from some of the truly great Star Wars novels (the best ones are largely written by Matthew Stover).
I'm thrilled to see Jennifer Lawrence on the cover of Entertainment Weekly in full costume as Katniss. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I feel like she's definitely got the look--not overly pretty or sexy, but attractive enough that she'll clean up nicely. I'm curious to see how they'll do the big ceremony dress, the whole 'girl on fire' bit.
I'm weird, but I had my own casting ideas for all the characters. I totally saw Jensen Ackles as Gale, knowing he's too old for the role... And Brian Cox as Haymitch, just because he seems like he could do that clever, tricky type and pull off a mean drunk as well. And Robert Knepper as the guy who does the big interviews with everybody, Caesar somebody was his name, just because he's got that charismatic personality that a bigtime interviewer should have.
But...this is probably a waste of a thread...worth a try...