Closing a number of Branches is an EXCITING Development???

by Rank&FileGuy 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Babyruth

    I had a talk with a Bro. who was very excited about the closing of the local Branch here and those around the world. I asked him what was so exciting about these developments. He told me that he 'thinks' that these closings free up the Bethal workers to join with the local congs. in a increased witnessing work the likes never seen before. He talked about the march around the walls of Jericho for 6 days, well we are now engaging in the 7th day march for 7 times...and then destruction of this system like it happened to the walls of Jericho crumbling. I don't know where he got his info, unless it was 'water cooler talk'

    Now some 7 months later I see him and inquire about how things are going. Well... his previous excitement is gone. He is bemoaning about how hard it has been on the local congregations who have taken in these bethal workers. These people had no where to go and not means to provide for themselves. These Brothers have actually become a burden to the congregations instead of a blessing.

  • Pistoff

    Jehovah's witnesses could not think their way out of a paper bag.

    The witness work is not intensified by having ex bethelites move into the local halls to help; if the work were really rolling, they would be needed at Bethel to print more, manage more, etc.

    They believe anything that comes from the platform.


    The whole 7 times round Jericho was used in the 70's for the tract work, remember? Kingdom News # such and such? Just drop then off brothers, don't stand and talk, we have to get around the territory.

    After the 7 were up, the enthusiam tapered off; 'Jericho' never fell.

  • stillajwexelder

    They build new Branches the End is Close, they close Branches the End is Close................somewhere over the Rainbowww


  • stillajwexelder

    All the Central Ameria branches are being cosolidated

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    An organization 'on the move'

    is not neccisarily going up is it!?

    daft buggers


  • hotspur
  • hotspur
  • 1975

    Is this their new take on the End Of The World, closures of B.O instead expansions?


  • eruption

    This reminds me of the NAZIS,having to retreat whilst getting the shit kicked out of them, by the Russians, on the Eastern front. Not once did the NAZIS ever retreat(even though they were being over-run) they were not retreating, Oh No, they were merely STRAITINING OUT THIER LINES.

    Does that not sound familiar to what is occurring in Brooklyn ? Just like the NAZIS, never admitted to being defeated (though they were ) thier actions proved otherwise. Just like the WTBTS, make no mistake they are retreating, and trying to disguise there retreat as UTILISING THIER RESOURSES, has as much credibility as the NAZIS had, and ALL PEOPLES, JW and NAZIS, were/are prevented from speaking freely, (SIGH !!! )

  • Gayle

    eruption, thx,,good comparison,,WTS/GB never admits to failures no matter who they hurt.

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