Another WT urban myth?

by tenyearsafter 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tenyearsafter

    Has anyone been sent the e-mail going around showing a photo of Brooklyn HQ with text attached to it saying in essence:

    "We all know that the GB has been cutting back on expenses by reducing printing runs, making fewer CD's, going to part time help and selling property. At the annual meeting a story was told about the famous "Read The Watchtower Daily" sign and how they no longer illuminate it at night to save expenses. The other side of that sign has a clock that has also been blacked out to save expenses. After receiving numerous complaints from irate citizens, the Mayor's office contacted the WTS to ask why the clock was no longer working. After being told by the WTS that the reason was the cost of electricity, the City decided to put a new meter on that side of the sign that would be paid for by by the City, and thus restore the clock to full operation."

    The e-mail goes on to say how amazing Jehovah is by allowing for this wonderful "landmark" to continue on.

    I wish I had the original e-mail, but that is pretty close to what it said. It is obviously one of those JW e-mails that takes on a life of its own and is circulated ad nauseum.

    What do you think?...true story or JW urban legend?

  • cantleave

    Old Old story - complete fabrication.

  • tenyearsafter

    That's what I figured...

  • tenyearsafter

    I did it find interesting that there would even be an allusion to "cutbacks, cost cutting, etc." Doesn't make the WTS look like a thriving place...

  • serenitynow!

    Isn't it a "read the bible daily" sign, or is the WT one a joke?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    What got me was the part-time help.

    Fulltime help was free, so why cut it?

    "Read the Bible Daily" is what the sign said when I saw it.

  • tenyearsafter

    Thanks White Dove...I was going by memory. I believe you are correct on the sign's wording.

    Ditto serenitynow...

  • serenitynow!
    Fulltime help was free, so why cut it?

    Maybe it costs more for full time. You know how if you work part time you can't get the same health benefits you get as a fulltimer?

  • doubtful

    But these workers are unpaid volunteers! It doesn't matter if they're part time or full time!

  • tenyearsafter

    You don't have to feed part timers three squares every day?...with the rising cost of food, that can add up quickly!

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