I have to say I had the more precious daddy in the whole world. There's never been another man like him. He got hurt in an electrical accident when he was only 32 and lost his left arm. But he over the years learned to do anything he needed to do. Took excellant care of his family and would do anything he could to help someone else. I miss him so much. And my son is so much like him. I hope he knows how proud I am of how he takes care of his family now. I know if my dad was still alive, he woud be very proud.
Men are Adorable!
by Robdar 66 Replies latest jw friends
I thought everyone knew women love belts! I prefer flat belts myself - the way they stay in place by tightly hugging those curved surfaces......
- Lime
You obviously haven't heard 750 ponies spinning a Gilmer-drive belt . . . that delightful whine when you feed her the revs . . . it's just beautiful.
I have been blessed by the wonderful men in my life and that includes the ones on this discussion forum. On behalf of myself and other women, thank you. Thank you for your protection, your love, your chivalry, your passion, for making us laugh, and for your knowledge of automobiles. Our lives are sweeter because of you.
And furnaces and air conditioners and dishwashers and refrigerators and on and on.
Not any of it is worth a single iota if not for the wonderful women who bear our children and mend our wounds (both physical and emotional) and on and on.
I read that in past generations women were happy with a man who was a good provider and protector but today they want a soul mate. I think most men want a soul mate too but for most of us being the provider/protector has to come first especially when kids are growing up. Sadly enough it's when the kids are gone that a lot of women tell their spouse to take a hike. Hats off to those that have the patience to see what a soul mate they really have.
Thanks Robyn for your post and woe to all the men who abuse your gender because they make us all seem less than what we really are.
WhiteDove said:
There is an inner caveman that lurks inside most of the men I've met, and that's a real turn-off.
I like men and conversing with them is very nice.
I have often said that if it weren't for women, men would still be living in caves and be happy with just that.
Well, there are women and our lives are better for that.
I have to say I had the more precious daddy in the whole world. There's never been another man like him. He got hurt in an electrical accident when he was only 32 and lost his left arm. But he over the years learned to do anything he needed to do. Took excellant care of his family and would do anything he could to help someone else. I miss him so much. And my son is so much like him. I hope he knows how proud I am of how he takes care of his family now. I know if my dad was still alive, he woud be very proud.
I have never been given a compliment that means so much to me as that.
I miss him too. He was the greatest Man I ever knew.
White Dove
My grampa was perfect, aside from a little human imperfection.
But we won't go into that because he was just PERFECT!
I miss him so much.
The non-tyrant side of my dad is perfect, too.
He's the perfect buddy.
ROBDAR- Very touching thread by you. As a man who adores my wife , my daughters and the female race - I thank you for this thread . Very kind indeed
I didn't have a lot of time to look at this thread yesterday because I still have company visiting. Right now, everybody at my house except for me and da cats are still in bed and so I have been reviewing the responses while I sip my morning cuppa. I must say that the more I read, the more I fall in love with all of you. Thank you for sharing your stories of the special men and women you love and how your lives have been affected by knowing them.
For those of you still hurting from the wounds afflicted upon you by members of the opposite gender, I hope you will meet someone worthy of the love you have to give and will return your love to you tenfold.
Guess I better go start breakfast now. I think my guests will appreciate a little coffee and some tasty nosh.
thinking of you
Misery, have you seen this?