...WBT$/JW 1975.....Harold Camping`s May 21 2011 Rapture...

by OUTLAW 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EntirelyPossible

    Nothing dramatic seemed to occur for 7 days, other than darkness as the ice canopy was being superheated and converted to thick rainclouds.

    Whisky. Tango. Foxtrot.

  • sizemik

    Lars . . . did you read the OP by any chance?

  • flipper

    LARSINGER - It's really not complex at all. The end of the world just ain't gonna happen. Period. Really quite simple. No need for timetables, explanations, or strategic figuring with dates. It's a fantasy, an unreality. An illusion. A deception of MANY different religions which they try putting over on people to make them fearful and controlled

  • DagothUr

    Larsinger is right. Judgement day occured in a degree of 55.4 %, only...INVISIBLY. Last 44.6% will take place at the next date of Harold Camping's choosing.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    so i see the ''we got the date right but the happening wrong'' has started!

    yep... invisible marking...


  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    All I know is that - on this side of the International Dateline - we are already now well into the afternoon of Sunday, May 22nd 2011. Nothing significant has yet occured, and nobody has been yet raptured that I can see!

    How do things currently look on your side of the International Dateline?

    - or has it got something to do with midnight, May 21st 2011, local time in Jerusalem?


    PS: What a crock of #!%t!

  • ldrnomo

    Whoops, I think mr. Camping made a mistake and forgot to calculate the ZERO year so that means it's supposed to be May 21, 2012

  • cantleave

    May 21 2011 is still a turning point

  • ambersun

    Whoops, I think mr. Camping made a mistake and forgot to calculate the ZERO year so that means it's supposed to be May 21, 2012

    Oh no, please don't put ideas in his head

  • flipper

    WEll, well. It's Sunday, May 22nd Pacific Standard time and I'm still here. As are all of us. No rapture, no Armageddon, no destruction. What an old fartknocker Camping is . I hope he goes and hides in his doghouse with his tail between his legs. He AND the criminal organization of Jehovah's Witnesses should be ashamed of the fear they put into people and superstitions they stir up causing misled people to sell their possessions and trust in a pipedream. Modern day con artists are all these cult leaders are that dupe followers

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