It drives me nuts!
Who gives a sh^t about your newest item that you just bought or how happy that you are that the sun is out?
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
It drives me nuts!
Who gives a sh^t about your newest item that you just bought or how happy that you are that the sun is out?
I don't update my status very often... Usually it's just a countdown to when I'm moving lol.
This is the number one reason I will not join Twitter and "Tweet"... IDGAF what everyone is doing every second of every day. And I'm sure even less people GAF what I'm doing lol.
Got our shorts in a knot, there Minimus?
*I wish I was like you,,,, easily amused*
Oy, to get inside the little red dot's mind ....
Right now I'm posting this message with a dog on my lap feeling rather sore from doing too much gardening yesterday. I think I'm hungry and will go make a turkey sandwich.
Seriously, though, I don't need to know when someone else is doing laundry or the fact that it is wine o'clock. I don't have a lot going on in my FB feed, because I've blocked quite a few people's posts from showing up.
Perhaps for the same reason that a certain red dot never stops asking questions on a cult recovery discussion forum?
I can't stand it when people post goodmorning and goodnight on facebook...
Who cares and STFU please!
I think there should be a law that every social networking site must include a "Who gives a shit" button.