So now we know, that anyone who partakes of the Emblems,He/ She will now have the stigma of being labeled mentally Ill bestowed on them, By whom ? by the same people who are supposed to be caring for them, step forward the Governing body.
Now think about it, If this is the way they treat thier most ardent supporters, you would not want these people as your enemys, Why ?, because they (and I choose my words carefully ) are psychopaths, how so ? because if you attack the JW bottom line, $$$$$ then they react like any CORP, They attack and destroy, in this case EVEN the annointed, If they are not safe from attack who is ?
Now there are 7 million JW,s and we were one of them at one time, so how did we react to outright confrontation, Did It made us stronger in the faith. ? Yes in my opinion it did, so lets stop doing this, its counter productive and a massive waste of resources,the more we do this the stronger they become,
what we need is a simple strategy we can all adopt, and employ, that will enable us to free our brothers and sisters from this futillity, over to you JWN ?