Your best one sentence JW comeback contest

by moshe 160 Replies latest jw friends

  • godrulz

    Talk about cultic. How on earth are people so gullible to think the God of grace and mercy would cut off eternal life by fallible men and committees with no biblical basis?! The most minor offenses that are not even biblical issues can get you kicked out of the kingdom. What a tyrant god and organization that reeks of control and manipulation. This works based cult knows nothing of the gospel, grace, God, faith.

  • godrulz

    Good insights, wontleave. I find it hard to believe that most JWs have not read the Bible cover to cover. However, the same can be said of some Christians as well (but we don't have a bunch of organizational literature to fall back on). It is interesting how similar WT and Vatican is. JWs certainly are not Bible scholars nor is the GB. They have simplistic vs scholarly answers. Mormons are even more bizarre in belief, but they actually have a well-developed, up-to-date apologetic for their LDS beliefs. The WT quote that people will revert back to Christendom's teaching if they stop reading WT literature and just read the Bible is most telling and profound. Oh the depth of spiritual blindness and deception for those who trust man over God.

  • wobble

    Good points Godrulz, so maybe a good one liner to a JW would be :

    "Pray for guidance, and then read the whole of the Bible , without any WT thoughts involved, then come back and see me"

  • moshe
    "Pray for guidance, and then read the whole of the Bible , without any WT thoughts involved, then come back and see me"

    A better come back might be-

    "I love to read the Bible- would you please come back and join me and we'll read it together?

  • godrulz

    Yes, I don't think they would read the whole Bible or ever come back. As well, Jesus and others opened the Scriptures, reasoned from them, etc. with the person. Those who know how to interpret in context can facilitate others discovering the truth. As well, if we should the fallacies and misquotes of scholars, etc. of the WT (info they would not have access to), it will help open their understanding.

  • moshe

    So, I take that as a NO, you're not going to call the KH invite a couple of JWs to study the Bible with you? I get the feeling you have never really debated with JWs before- in person.

  • godrulz

    I have debated 100s of JWs in person over the last 33 years. I have gone to them (KH, street corners, conventions, etc.) and they have come to my door. They even called me 'Bible Bill' because I used the Bible without materials and they were not able to respond to the issues I raised, but said they would look into their literature, but never get back to me.

  • wobble

    That is the problem Godrulz, I know that the mind-control is so strong that the cognitive dissonance set up by your showing them what God really says in the Bible does not affect them enough to make them really examine the false teachings of the WT.

    They just shove it it on the "back burner" mentally, and say to themselves, "I will let a more capable brother deal with Bible Bill". Probably in their heart they know that such a "brother" does not exist, one who could counter the Truth.

    But, dear Godrulz, please keep up with your efforts whenever you can, because I know that with me it was many such experiences, both being witnessed to personally by Christians, and what I read, that gradually had a cumulative effect, until eventually after 58 years in, I walked away.

  • nugget

    I'd like to talk to you but I'm afraid you don't like to listen.

  • Think and Think Again
    Think and Think Again

    1. Does God command what is "holy and right" because it is holy and right? or is what is "holy and right" holy and right because He commanded it?

    (this requires a massive amount of thought and saving this one for when the jw come back to my door, I've used the ones below already....I just love it when they visit!)

    2. Why would a loving God send Satan to Earth? Wouldn't it have been better for all involved if God Almighty just sent him off into a black hole?

    3. If the end of the world arrives and you are saved to live in "paradise" on earth and all those you love dearly (hb/wife,children,parents,siblings,friends) are not, would you still say that "paradise" is paradise?

    4. I would rather live in hell with my children than in heaven without them.

    5. Doing good to receive a place in paradise for yourself is less moral than doing good with no promise of reward.

    6. If you dont vote, you can't complain.

    7. Living on earth with no one but JW's is my idea of hell. (i havent actually said this, but i have thought it)

    8. God forgives everyone because God is Love and Love, being what it is, fact it has no need to forgive, for if it is Love it does not condemn.

    9. God gave you a brain, use it....question everything, including the truth.

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