When I was at their Convention, I was able to share how one can get right with God with the gospel as a plane was about to crash and kill us. They could not give me a gospel presentation without months of book study/indoctrination, so they let me die with the hope I might get resurrected in the future to study and convert?! In Acts, people were saved on the spot as the person and work of Christ was preached (and baptized the same day). In cults, indoctrination and an endless treadmill is required leaving one with still no assurance. What a rip off (man's ways vs God's ways...we can add nothing to His shed blood).
John Wesley (Methodist) would have bopped the 89 year old on the head. If he was a Christian, not a nominal Methodist, he would not fear hell or death (Rev. 1:17-18). He would have assurance of eternal life in Christ. The way to deal with the fear of death and hell is not to deny it (demonic lie), but to run to the mercy of God in Christ. Russell rejected hell-fire which tickles itching ears, elevates reason above divine revelation, gives false vs true assurance. The Methodist had a panacea by believing a lie, not a true deliverance from fear/hell. Simplistic answers are not always right.