Liar Liar ! I know that was not true, in the 90's at least when I used to oversee the distribution of cards and I delivered many a Service Meeting item when we handed out the cards to ALL baptized present and wanted them signed.
I found the article on line
In addition I thought the next sentences were quote worthy, as well as the bit that Marvin used..
" only those who t a k e
t h e initiative to a s k for t h e card will be given one.
Thus, neither t h e congregation elders nor t h e
Watchtower Society t h r u s t s cards on unwilling
members a n d insists that they fill them out. In-
deed, all those who request t h e card will not nec-
essarily follow through a n d fill t h e m out; congre-
gation elders do not check to see whether baptized
members execute t h e cards or place them in the i r
wallets or purses. Such follow-through i s left to t h e
individual Witness. I n short, Migden a n d Braen’s
assertions about how t h e Witnesses a r e subtly
forced to execute a n d c a r ry blood refusal cards a r e
baseless. "
Thanks to Marvin Shilmer ( again)