How many of us know anything besides our country of origin? The America, Love It or Leave It crowd should see what it is like elsewhere. I worked so hard to achieve the American dream and I did. Illness struck. The European safety net should be a basic human right, not a government orogram. If I were not born in the U.S., I'd pick England or France. It is one of my dreams to live in Paris for a while, a year or two, before returning to Manhattan.
Manhattan and paris aren't typical of either country, however. I said I love American principles but every Western democratic country has embraced those principles. I feel American's true claim to fame today is the diversity, the melting pot. Other countries are tired of being sapped by illegal immigration, too.
I suppose I am American by culture. When the telephone prompts tell me to select English or Spanish, I go bonkers. My forefathers and foremothers arrived in this country not speaking English. They learned. There is large immigration from Russia and China. No prompts exist for them. Those countries place great emphasis on learning English. I would not move to France or Holland and expect to get by with English - only I prob. could b/c English is universal. It is not the not knowing English. I don't know French despite many years of study. It is not even bothering to try.
Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of NY, said the restricted immigration laws could stop NY's most precious capital. Maybe the person with the cure for cancer is excluded. Maybe the person who comes up with next Internet.
NYers are so cosmpolitan and worldly. Persecution binds people together. Many flags are still up. I never take it for granted anymore.
My mom would explain to us that we were poor because my father was at Bethel during the war so we don't get veterans' preference. The war being WWII. I wish the Witnesses would stay neutral but acknowledge all the blessings they have derived from our way of life. This is not Malawi or Nazi Germany. They act as though there is no difference which infuriates me. Others lost their lives in combat so my father could be at Bethel. It is not fair.