Only For Los Angeles Residents
by Iamallcool 12 Replies latest jw friends
Hey, did you ever hear about
Just type it in Google, then look in the Jehovah's Witness section for LA (that's where you're from, right?). There's a lot of folks from LA on line here at JWN. I went to a meetup here, once, and it was really nice. Met some good folk. It's a small city, though, so there's noone around now.
You could also start a thread about it,,, maybe some here already go to meetups in your city.
Just sayin', you sound lonely. And I know how that feels - I was young once.
Broken Promises
He's not so young, he's posted in the past that he's in his 30s.
But he does sound lonely, and socially inept based on his past threads.
Didn't know his age, BP, but I'm glad you see what I mean. :)
Been there,,, also socially inept to this day in a lot of ways .... *sigh*
* edited to say "hey, lil bro, you are not alone" *
what? I got that link from
By the way, I have never been to CA.
Broken Promises
So why was I directed to look at this thread?
because my posts were very late.
Broken Promises
And you were worried that Talesin and I wouldn't read the breath-taking, ground-breaking, up-to-the-minute information you posted?
Juan Viejo2
Go to Good group based out of Downey. Serves LA and Orange County.