No working full time, or in a job that requires either a college education or several years of apprenticeship. The time is "better spent pio-sneering".
Investments of any kind are a sign of not trusting in Jehovah. I remember getting some littera-trash, close to when I went into the cancer, that said that the stock market was going to crash AND both gold and silver were going to zero. Not just that it was bad advice (I have yet to see bear markets in both stocks/bonds and in precious metals at the same time), but they were insinuating that it was a sign of not trusting Jehovah.
The need for a white dress shirt. There was an issue with wire-rimmed glasses for a time, too.
Much of the music was taboo. You start out with the directive from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger that rap and heavy metal are bad. Then you get people that self-righteously draw the border farther away from the "filth", and this continues a while. Before long, there were 225 songs you could listen to (now, it is 135).