Today, I was ambushed by a pair of witnesses while leaving my apartment. They offered me a magazine, to which i declined, but gave the latest awake & watchtower to my girlfriend. At our next stop, I took the magazines, rolled them up and was about to toss them when she told me that she wanted to read them. I was surprised at first, considering that she knows about my JW past, including the fact that I had just completed a successful fade when i first met her, but I handed them to her and jokingly told her that I'd leave her if she started going to meetings, to which she laughed and teased me for a bit. We later read some of the awake article and made off colored jokes about the articles & writing style.
This had me thinking though. I know it sounds bad, but if she DID started studying, attending meetings and going door-to-door, I probably would end the relationship (hell, she'd probably have to end the relationship since she’d come to know me as a conniving Apostate). I'm a laid back, not controlling, relatively easy going person, but the idea of being in a relationship with a JW just disturbs me in so many ways.
So, what would you do if your significant other started to study and seriously consider becoming a JW?