I would like to say to all who care, I am leaving this thread for good. The bible talks about the unbeliever and those are the true Apostates. Even though there are many here who truly Love the LORD as I do and have shared and taught an awful lot of helpful information to help me fight the battle against false religion, I thank you and pray for each of you. But to those here who do not Love the Lord know Gods teaches us to stay away from the them who defy the LORD. So for me this means I need to stay away from here.......
Buggin Out !
by mmetz 18 Replies latest jw friends
While there are some false apostates on this board, the vast majority, myself included are real true apostates. We know the truth about the truth. I don't lie. The truth about everything else is harder to come by.
SS of the true apostate class, not the false apostate class
Nice not knowing yeah, mmetz!
I have to admit, when I discovered this site, I thought it was a social group for actual jw's!!!! The thread, a bit misleading. As long as you don't push your religious views on this board too much, you'll have no problem. I learnt that one myself. They're pretty easy going here. Ok, some are arses, but you get that in life. The rest, as I get to know them thru their posts, are bound to be reasonable oh and some of them are quite funny. I reccomend sleepy's posts, always good for a chuckle.
Don't take too seriously anything here. I mean sure they'll have digs at us 'silly buggers' who still have hope that the jw's are right and that any injustices will be straightened out. No, rephrase, that in the end Jah is right and the injustices of the fallible organisation on earth will be straightened out in God's own time. Would I be drawn and quartered, blind-folded, put against a wall and shot, lynched, if I said that the silentlambs issue is a way of cleaning out of the org any who are hiding behind that sweet, gentle venior. Jah can read hearts remember.
Although I could be putting my foot in it. You may not be a jw afterall. But, in any religion as long as there are human patrons and caretakers, there will always be corruption. Just as long as that corruption is not tolerated for any length of time.
Ok, start your attacks now!!!!!!!!
But to those here who do not Love the Lord know Gods teaches us to stay away from the them
mmetz, it's truly difficult for some to leave a 12th Century perspective behind, even when they reside in the 21st.
With attitudes like the one you express, it’s a miracle infrastructure such as Hospitals, bridges and schools, for example, that require intense trust and co-operation to build and become useful, exist at all.
Smoldering Wick
The bible talks about the unbeliever and those are the true Apostates.
I want to thank you mmetz for forcing this newbie to learn how to do "quotes" on a post...wooohooo!!! it's like graduating to toddler gruel. Oh, I almost forgot why I was quoting....is the term "true Apostate" an oxymoron? [8>]
er...how do you do quotes?
Dean, slow to learn class.
VioletAnai, I disagree with you, the JWs are no more God's religion than a thousand other denominations. But you are entitled to your opinion and I hope you don't get attacked for having the gumption to state it.
mmetz: so soon? [8>]
"They never told me what was the truth - just a young man losing his youth..."
- The Stranglers, 'Bear Cage' -
Thank you!! I was hoping I wasn't the only one!
A sobering thought: what if, right at this very moment, I am living up to my full potential?------------Jane Wagner
Dean, Shimmer
I recently learned quotes. At the front of what you are quoting, type a [ then type quote, then a ] Then type you quoted stuff. At the end of you, type the [, followed by a /, quote, finishing w a another ]