this lady is quite new to my workplace and we got chatting and she asked how i met my husband etc ... after i finished telling her of my jw experiances she said i could write a book and i really should ! she said she has a friend who shes known for 30 years and she became a jw about 15 years ago and this friend had recently deleted her off her friends list ! she also said this friend likes to play bingo which she presumed wouldnt be allowed in the religion so had thought it cant be all that strict in that religion !!!!! lol i told her that her friend should perhaps be more worried about getting caught playing bingo than having a worldly friend on her facebook ! does anyone still in know if jws are told to not have worldlys on their friends list ?
my workmates jw friend of 30 years has deleted her from facebook
by looloo 12 Replies latest jw friends
No, I have non JWs on my friends list that I am not related to.
All they have to do is hear some scare story from the platform. Or they might hear a scare story out in field service. They might also have some family member or friend tell some horror story of JW's brought down by worldly friends and weak JW's on facebook friends lists. Then the panic starts.
I've seen that happen even with family. Recently, my wife's JW cousin "unfriended" her from FB because a few non-JW were wishing my wife happy birthday and she was being polite and thanking them. Stupid cult.
I've had a few JWs unfriend me yet I see them making comments and being "friends" with other worldy people we went to school with. I guess the worldly people aren't as "mentally diseased" as I am.
My cousin who is "on the fence" regarding the JW's unfriended me because she "didn't like what she saw" on my FB wall. I guess the Watchtower Uncensored page offended her. Boo hoo I say! Her whole family is in the JW's and she rejected the religion growing up but now that she's over 30 she's decided she's "going back" to them. However she's still got lots of non JW's friends but that's oh so much different since I'm DF'd. Not acceptable!
King Solomon
I've seen that happen even with family. Recently, my wife's JW cousin "unfriended" her from FB because a few non-JW were wishing my wife happy birthday and she was being polite and thanking them. Stupid cult.
WHAT?!? She missed an opportunity to witness to others, explaining why she doesn't celebrate birthdays? ;)
Although, it does raise the question if time spent on FB witnessing can be counted on the time sheet (JWs can write letters and stuff envelopes, and count THAT: what's the diff)?
Control, control, control!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Is she certain the JW didn't delete her facebook account rather than unfriend her? When I stopped receiving updates from a couple JWs on facebook, I thought they unfriended me. No, they had deleted their facebook accounts after a DC or CA or SAD.
The funny thing was that when their non-JW facebook friends asked why they left facebook, the dubs gave conflicting answers, none of which were the real JW-based reason.
I believe in doing it to them before they do it to me so I deleted any active JWs from my F.B. They are more trouble than they are worth.
I am a "fader" and I know I am talked about and some JWs are stand-offish. JWs are a bunch of snoops and I didn't want to deal with all the issues of having to hide posts. As it is, my friends list is hidden.
From what I have read on this forum regarding active JWs unfriending people who are inactive or DF'd, I believe many active JWs do not want to appear "extreme" to the world, so they will not give the real reason why they unfriended somebody. They are afraid if they tell the real reason to some worldly person, they, and the religion, will be viewed as a bunch of kooks. Once again, it is all about appearances.
I have also noticed the hypocrisy regarding born-in JWs who were never really active in the JW religion but who still defend it as "the truth". They don't know the first thing about their god-damned religion and they have been flying below the radar their whole life. In many cases, they have the best of both worlds: one foot in associating with JWs and the other foot out, having a "normal" life. What really gets me is the ones who get reactivated after they sowed their wild oats or got their college education that most of the young people there were talked into not getting!
Quite frankly, they make me sick whenever they get all "over righteous" and shocked when somebody disassociated tries to enlighten them.
Sick of the monumental hypocrisy in this religion.