I cant keep my Forum name here for anymore than a few days, I have got to constantly re-registar.
by eruption 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Please be more specific.
Like I said, I have to pick a new name every other day, perhaps people here might think, I, WE are trying to be be underhanded, not the case. I am begining to loose track of who I am in cyberspace, maybe MAZE, ALICE ect are the same, ie; not trying to be underhanded, its just this SITE is fucked.
Simon, Man City, RESPECT
As you are still using your name..That isn`t the Problem..
Your having to "Log On" every few days..Not Register..
If you "clean your cookies" or your computer automaticly does it for you..
You will have to "Log On"..
So, you input your username/password and the capcha text and what happens?
I am using IExplorer in the UK, and this site, or IE, is changing the configuration or format, either way its soon going to be near impossible for me to communicate, because your site does not recognise me, and when it does , its for a very limited time, then it changes and requres a new registeration, I am unable to login, your site wont let me, back to square one.
Believe me, I have tried everything, I will probobly have to confine myself to observing, without re-course to making comments.
Have you tried firefox or chrome?
I am unable to login, your site wont let me,
So, at the screen below, you input your credentials and what happens?