TERRY- Very true. NOTHING the WT society has predicted has ever come true. And where are Russell and Rutherford ? Dead. As are all the OTHER succession of presidents of the WT society through the years who thought that " millions now living will never die ". Which was another lie the WT society taught. The WT society doesn't want their members finding out these lies, true.
MICKEY MOUSE - Indeed. Good point from Terry.
STILLAJWEXELDER- Exactly. WT society telling Witnesses NOT to check out false stories will just perk their interest to for sure check the " false stories " out to see if they are true or not. WT society leaders aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.
SABASTIOUS- Good question. The WT society IS NOT capable of " assuming " hypothetical stories are " false ". But they WANT JW's to THINK that WT leaders are capable of knowing hypothetical stories are false. The GB doesn't even have to provide evidence of " stories " if they can deceive the Witnesses. Because if they can CONVINCE JW's NOT to use their brains and do their own research - then WT leaders have won half the battle in controlling JW's thinking and thought processes. It's what ALL mind control cults do - control members by hypothetical , or alleged fears which are not real. If they can SCARE Witnesses enough to avoid the Internet - then rank and file JW's become that much MORE controlled ! It's crazy stuff for sure