Or you could always try this thread . . . it's far more interesting
by flipper 16 Replies latest jw friends
Or you could always try this thread . . . it's far more interesting
JRK- I'm sure your dad died of natural causes. I trust ya bro. I think Jimmie Morrison was brilliant- if not just a slight bit twisted. Loved his music, but he WAS bizarre ! LOL !
SIZEMIK- Thanks once again for the link to the rEAL end of the world thread
Aw RATS!! Flipper beat me to the "Jim Morrison" reference!!
ZIDDINA- Sorry I took your Jim Morrison reference ! You know what they say " great minds think alike ! " LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Wow Flip . . . you post a blank thread entitled "end" . . . it get's 160 views, more than a dozen posts and is still going 8 hours later.
what's your secret fella?
Yeah!!!! I have trouble getting a few bites too
SIZEMIK- I have no idea. I guess even my mistakes are fascinating . Amazing.
SMIDDY- make a mistake thread, perhaps you'll get more hits ! LOL ! Stranger things have happened