Favorite Movies ???
by Maze 24 Replies latest social entertainment
Are you allowed to watch any of these?
Lord Of The Rings
Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade
Once Upon A Time In America
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
After buying Final Fantasy 8 and being cornered by a couple of pioneers, I learned to order everything online and not to discuss my interests with other witnesses.
Maze, are you sure you're a JW?
"Frost v Nixon"
"Casino Jack"
"Last Winter"
"First Snow"
HBO's special, "Too Big to Fail"
keyser soze
I have so many, but if I had to narrow it down:
Raiders of the Lost Ark, Full Metal Jacket, Cool Hand Luke
No Room For George
Guys, Gals, c'mon regardless of whatever issues you have with MAZE, this is a neutral issue. Lets support her/him, ok?
Trainspotting-greatest film ever
Lost In Translation- I can watch this over and over again, reminds me of my life as it was, and what I'm currently experiencing.
Fight Club-another film that is strikingly similar to what I'm currently dealing with. I don't know who I am any longer. Wish I could die.
Touch of Evil-greatest black and white film ever. Orson Welles is a legend and a holiday should be declared in his honor.
lol. I half expected someone with the SN 'Keyser soze' to have The Usual Suspects as a favorite on their list :-P.
No Room For George
Keyser Soze mentioned a war movie, I forgot how much I love Apocalypse Now.