Hot off the presses! The August Awake! with an article on music. I especially loved this bit of "a picture is worth a thousand words" type propaganda
Throw out that debasing music, you sheeple!
by undercover 37 Replies latest jw friends
aww, crap! my jw went through this when he first joined up! would change the radio channel when certain songs came on and I'm talking just good old rock and roll not some rap with questionable lyrics. I have not seen an R rated film in years (maybe one or two if he wasn't home) and now I have this to look forward to again?
Honestly! you'd think they were dealing with a bunch of 5 yr olds instead of people who claim to be mature Christians. (which their not but that is a different thread)
When I was at Brooklyn Bethel, I looked forward to the day after the "new boys" got the lecture on bad music. They would promptly throw away their CD's into the 'hopper' on their floor.
Their trash was my treasure.
I can think of tons of music I threw out. Every so often I'd feel guilty after reading an article like this, and say, "Is this CD really worth my relationship with Jehovah?"
Of course, I'd later end up buying it again. Same as I used to throw out movies that had a PG-13 sex scene in them because I thought they'd be too tempting. And all my Sailor Moon video tapes! Oh, how I wish I'd kept those! It's impossible to find those for cheap anymore!
I think it's more troubling that people can't just use their own conscience about what they want to listen to. If you have to give them a picture like this, effectively deciding for them, how can you say you're such righteous people? They didn't throw out the music because of their own conscience, they did it because you made them feel guilty about it!
Those Kingdom Melodies, the new, jacked-up ones...having heard them blaring out in my home, I can tell you, I know a little something about music that DOES NOT MAKE ME FEEL REFRESHED AND LEAVES ME FEELING ANGRY. Okay?
No Room For George
The JW upbringing in me is tugging at my heart now after reading this. I go through this every so often, where it used to be I'd throw all my questionable CD's away, but nowadays I'll delete certain albums and songs off my PC and MP3 player. After seeing this article, I'm getting ready to do another mass deletion. Thanks UC!!!! (sarcastically)
Geezuz,it`s the same old WBT$ BS..
Find Music that will keep your brain Watchtarded!!..
Don`t listen to New Music until it`s played in elevators and shopping malls in 25 years..
Then rail on that Evil New Music kids are playing today..
JW`s will be Dancing
To the Bunny Hop and Hokey Pokey for another 200 years..
No Room For George
Of course, I'd later end up buying it again. Same as I used to throw out movies that had a PG-13 sex scene in them because I thought they'd be too tempting. And all my Sailor Moon video tapes! Oh, how I wish I'd kept those! It's impossible to find those for cheap anymore!
You liked Sailor Moon?
You liked Sailor Moon?
Yes, I did. A story about 5 cute girls wearing short skirts and fighting evil? I'm not ashamed to admit to liking that. Also, it was ridiculous and funny. But mostly I liked the girls.
There are some songs I change the station from, Miz. The ones that speak badly or falsely about Christ or God. A few of my favorites (when I didn't really pay attention to lyrics, but just loved the beat or the power of the music) are in that list.
No one told me to do it though. I just didn't want to enjoy something that spoke badly about someone I love.
Fighting evil by moonlight! Winning love by daylight! Never running from a real fight! She is the one named Sailor Moon! She will never turn her back on a friend! She is always there to defend! She is the one on whom we can depend! She is the one named Sailooooor--
Sailor Venus! Sailor Mercury! Sailor Mars! Sailor Jupiter! Secret powers are sown into her! She is the one named Sailor Moon!
[Guitar breaking it down!]
Fighting evil by moonlight! Winning love by daylight! With the Sailor Scouts to help fight! She is the one named Sailor Moon! She is the one named Sailor Moon! She is the one--Sailor Moon!
Yes, I memorized the song. Okay? Debased music at its finest!