Prominent Bethelite said one time that the Society was developing its own version of the Net Nanny to be distributed to JWs. The purpose of which obviously would be to control where they went. My guess is that it also would keep TRACK of where they went somehow as well. It was supposed to disallow the JW from going to buzz word sites. Perhaps they decided this was becoming too 1984, much like controlling when JWs had or if they had, oral sex was. They cant very well tell the JWs they cant be on the internet and that the internet is bad and continue to open and hold their OWN web sites. That is nothing if not hypocritical. They are in a catch-22. They cant NOT put their information out there, and they cant really put it there either and totally discredit the internet as a source of lies and apostacy.
Im quite sure the advent of the internet is something they couldnt possibly have seen coming. Hey...if I was at Bethel, I sure as hell would jump at the chance to sit and be online all day playing Secret Agent versus doing laundry, loading trucks, washing toilets and making cheese LOLOL!
Now they are going to have to suspect the ones they hired internally of divulging information too. The paranoia just keeps growing and growing and growing :)
I believe these "secret" elders meetings will eventually come equipped with metal detectors, bugging device trackers and cell phone blocks...but they cant debug peoples memories. If the stuff is gonna come out...there isnt a thing they can do about it.
Read CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE by Former Governing Body Member RAY FRANZ