Dealing with Family
1. How can I talk to my Parents?
2. Why are we always arguing?
3. How can I earn more freedom?
4. Why did Dad and Mom split up?
5. How can I deal with my parent's remarriage?
6. How can I get along with my siblings?
7. Am I ready to leave home?
Your Identity
8. How can I make good friends?
9. How can I resist temptation?
10. Why should I care about my health?
11. What can I wear?
12. How can I boost my self confidence?
13. How can I stop being so sad?
14. Why don't I just end it all?
15. Is it wrong to want some privacy?
16. Is it normal to grieve the way I do?
In and Out of Class
17. Why am I afraid to share my faith at school?
18. How can I cope with stress at school?
19. Should I quit school?
20. How can I get along with my teacher?
21. How can I manage my time?
22. Caught between cultures;What can I do?
Sex, Morals, and Love
23. How can I explain the Bible's view of homosexuality?
24. Will sex improve our relationship?
25. How can I conquer the habit of masturbation?
26. What about casual sex?
27. Why don't boys like me?
28. Why don't girls like me?
29. How do I know if it's real love?
30. Are we REALLY ready for marriage?
31. How can I get over a breakup?
32. How can I protect myself from sexual predators?
Self Destructive Behavior
33. What should I know about smoking?
34. What's wrong with binge drinking?
35. How can I break free from drugs?
Your Free Time
36. Am I addicted to electronic media?
37. Why won't my parents let me have fun?
Your Worship
38. How can I make worship of God enjoyable?
39. How can I reach my goals?
Questions parents ask
Is there really any harm in arguing with my spouse or children?
How much should my children know about my past?
How can I get my child to talk to me?
Should I enforce a curfew?
How can I handle conflicts with my children over clothing?
Should I allow my children to play electronic games?
What if my child is addicted to the cell phone, the computer, or other electronic media?
How much independence should I allow my child?
When should my child leave school?
How will I know when my child is ready to leave home?
Should I talk to my child about sex?
Should I let my child start dating?
How should I respond if my child talks about suicide?
Should I hide my grief from my children?
How can help my daughter gain a balanced view of dieting?
How can I continue to teach my children about spiritual values as they enter adolescence?
Our teenage has lost interest in spiritual things;What can we do?
'Worksheet Locator'
Identify the real issue 42
Wardrobe Worksheet 82-83
To Relieve your Sadness 93
Write your Thoughts 116
Plan your Response 127
My Educational Goals 139
What Would You Do? 209-210
Is it Love, or Is It Infatuation? 211
Are You Ready to Get Married? 216-217
What Can I Learn from the Breakup? 224
Role Model Index (on back inside cover)