Just wondering because a few of my jw friends have "left the building". I really hope so because I am totally regretting having a few fb pals. Hope more leave soon.
Any new directions about Facebook at the summer conventions?
by awaken2004 17 Replies latest jw friends
If there are "suggestions" about it...I'm sure many will not "OBEY". Its too BIG.
It is not reasonable that they would ban FB etc. Many people stay in contact with their families this way. what will they think of next?
At this point trying to ban facebook is like trying to ban telephones. It's just part of modern technology, modern culture.
Ban Facebook and you might as well ban the Internet (as I'm sure they wish they could). They're practically synonomous anymore.
It is not reasonable that they would ban FB etc. Many people stay in contact with their families this way. what will they think of next?
No it isn't reasonable, but you are making the assumption that the leaders of the GB are reasonable people.
But you are correct in that it is how people stay in touch with their family, and that is the big problem for the WT leaders. People are associating with DFd and faded JWs (via Facebook), and seeing that they aren't the spawn of Satan. Instead, they see happy, normal people just living their lives. This goes against the company line that the GB has promoted for the last 100 years, namely that everyone who leaves lives a miserable, drug or alcohol addicted life.
No they can't come straight out and say "get off of FB," but they can and will keep pounding the table like in the 7/15 WT to shun the hell out of your DFd family members. This kind of message also has a residual effect on faders, as the majority of JWs will shun them too.
At this point trying to ban facebook is like trying to ban telephones. It's just part of modern technology, modern culture.
I think they've realized that too. It took them a while to give up the ghost on demonizing the Internet, but they seemed to have learned from that and realize that new techonology changes the world much quicker these days.
They just published a two part article in the July and August Awake on social networking. It is apparent that they know people are going to use it. So instead of trying to convince people to not use it, they just load up the article about the dangers and how to avoid them.
Of course the Awake is the feel good, generic magazine meant for outsiders to get a glimpse of the JW world yet not be repulsed. But it's there in writing and JWs are going to reason that it's okay to use FB or other networks, as long as caution is heeded.
What bugs me is how we'll read these articles and you can't really complain too much about how they present their case and then we'll hear about a CO telling bodies of elders that if any of them are on FB they'll be deleted. In all honesty, I have to think that's a rogue CO who just hasn't caught up with the 21st century. It's not WT mandated. But dubs are so conditioned to expect that kind of "ban" on so many things, that many of them fall in line and obey with question. So one congregation, everyone is on FB, the next only the kids and the rebellious dare do it.
I think they'll start focusing more on avoiding anything that even hints at "apostacy". Okay, you're on FB, but are all your 'friends' JWs? Are any of them inactive? Do any of them ever post anything even a tiny bit critical of the "truth"? They'll focus on exposing and eliminating threats or anyone who doesn't hold to your (JW) ideals and beliefs. Which defeats one of the main purposes of FB.... connecting with people and sharing in their experiences and lifestyles. You can go to the hall for the JW experience. Who wants only that on Facebook?
we'll hear about a CO telling bodies of elders that if any of them are on FB they'll be deleted.
Recent CO visit in Service Talk said you read of all the counsel in WT & Aw about "social networks", what do you think they mean? You won't read Facebook mentioned by name there, but I'm saying it here and now to you: FACEBOOK. THat is what those articles are warning you about.
Rogue CO? Or, is this the direction they are getting from HQ?
Given up on demonizing the Internet? Have you read the 7/15 WT, what with the infamous "LAN cable snake" and the "Satan/Eve" chat room?
Anony Mous
Not a rogue CO. If you're in the running for any position you'll get that question: "do you have any social networking sites you (or your wife) is active on". If you are, you are less likely to be accepted.
It's probably not very official but it's one of those unspoken rules trickling down through the CO's. However I found out there are a surprising amount of "rogue" elders that do not really agree with the recent direction regarding social networking and higher education and some even about homosexuality.
Found Sheep
My brother deleted me. I even posted it on my facebook that my Brother deleted me because I don't believe in the same religion as him. Got a few comments...