You murder somebody.
The police nab you.
Should you confess or deny it?
What you have to gain and what you might lose DEPENDS ON WHAT THE POLICE CAN PROVE.
If the Police cannot prove the murder was your fault, then, denial could lead to freedom.
What about CONFESSION to God?
God already knows. No PROOF is needed.
What good is confession, then?
From the standpoint of HE WHO KNOWS (God) what is gained if you DO or do NOT confess?
It does a guilty party no good to try and pretend anything with God. You can't bargain.
Admitting guilt when you are CAUGHT dead bang is meaningless if denial is a non-starter.
What would you get away with?
"Sure, I'm holding the gun. Smoke is coming out of the barrel. You have me on high def video doing the murder. So,
I confess!"
CONFESSING YOUR SINS must accomplish something or it would not be required.
In Ancient Israel confessing sins, offering sacrifice and being forgiven were a package deal. It was "automatic."
The priests gained lots of meat for supper. The penitent gained a cleansed conscience. God restful odor.
But, seriously folks....Confessing of sins.....can it be merely a psychological tool?
If you are without that inner guiding voice of conscience you aren't going to feel cleansed by confessing. Why? Conscience is required for a feeling of guilt in the first place!
What about gaining forgiveness to ESCAPE PUNISHMENT? Even a person without conscience wants to escape actual punishment, right?
You don't have to FEEL sorry to say you are sorry. You might re-establish good relations with an offended party.
But, God is not one to be mocked by phony contrition for the base motive of avoiding just punishment, surely!
John 9:31 We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will.
In Jesus' time it was widely held to be true that any infirmity a person suffered was the DIRECT RESULT of a sin committed.
The sin might even have come from something your parents had done!!
If you were sick and confessed whatever sin you could think of that might have CAUSED the illness, then, whatever righteous person heard
your confession could step in and pray for your healing on your behalf.
James 5:16
Therefore, make it your habit to confess your sins to one another and to pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
But, practically speaking, other than telling an offended party you "didn't mean to do it" (whether true or untrue) just to maintain peace---WHAT GOOD is confession from the standpoint of an offended DEITY?