I have read many articles in this website and have seen many people talking bad about JWs and people talking good, so whats going on!!!!!!!!?
Whats the truth???????????
by PaulinoRamones 10 Replies latest jw friends
Its a JW discussion site!!
Some are pro JW most are anti. Makes for interesting reading!
BTW welcome!
Well the 'motto' says it all:
The place to discuss anything relating to Jehovah's Witnesses and the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society... or just make new friends!
The truth is "Life can be a bitch and then you die -but your body fertilizes flowers"
Whats the truth???????????
Well I'm not sure, you see you were right to use all those question marks, actually, you might need even a few more with that question.
What matters is what is true for you. Rest in that.
Black Sheep
Welcome to the forum.
The Truth is that the religion started off very similar manner to Harold Camping and his Family Radio, including having spectacular failures, beginning with followers waiting for the rapture on the 6th St. Bridge in Pittsburgh in 1878
The truth is that JW do NOT have the Truth
(and what the REAL truth is exactly we wont know for sure till after we die.)