Much has apparently been said in recent years about how a "good" JW should be dressed and groomed, so as to be easily identified - even from a distance.
Yesterday, while driving through town, I did see two people the distance:
- and certainly, by the way they were dressed, my suspicions were aroused.
- However, what confirmed their identity was not their dress and grooming. Rather, as I drove up closer, I noticed both of them doing the "Pioneer Shuffle" up somebody's driveway:
i.e. Both carrying a bag full of literature, and looking like they did not really want to be there at all - but still going thorough the motions of making the morning stretch out anyway, with the end objective of making the "Hours" column in their Monthly Report Forms look more impressive.
After seeing that, there could be no question as to their identity!
(And the WTS would try to tell us that theirs is "The Best Way of Life" - to quote the title of one of their publications of the late 1970s).