Regional Building Committee
*** km 5/06 p. 3 Announcements ***
Before undertaking a Kingdom Hall construction project—either new construction or renovation—the elders should contact their assigned Regional Building Committee. Regional committees have information that can assist congregations in making wise decisions, including the purchase of land and materials as well as other matters. It is prudent to consider suggestions offered by the regional committee before purchasing property and even items such as chairs, wall covering, carpet, and heating and air-conditioning equipment.
*** km 2/92 p. 3 pars. 6-8 Joyfully Meeting the Needs of the Harvest ***
Contact Regional Building Committee Early: When congregations are contemplating undertaking either a renovation or a new construction project, the local elders should contact the chairman of the regional committee at the inception of the project. The Regional Building Committees have been provided with guidelines by the Society, and these brothers have much experience that will assist in avoiding pitfalls when purchasing property and planning a building project. If they are kept fully informed of all projects in the area assigned to them, the regional committee can schedule volunteers so that all the projects are completed without overworking the skilled workers. Each Regional Building Committee maintains personnel lists and schedules the volunteers within its assigned region of operation.
The guidelines provided for the regional committees include factors to be weighed carefully before purchasing property, such as federal, state, and city laws that govern a variety of situations affecting a Kingdom Hall project. Congregations can wisely benefit from the observations of the elders appointed to serve on the Regional Building Committee by contacting them at the outset, wellbefore any property is purchased.—Prov. 15:22. Elders may contact the Regional Building Committee through the circuit overseer. He has the name, address, and telephone number of the chairman of the committee assigned to assist with Kingdom Hall construction in the area of the congregation.
*** km 12/87 p. 4 Anticipating the Needs of the Harvest ***
In anticipation of the needs of the harvest, arrangements have been made for more Regional Building Committees to assist in the construction of Kingdom Halls. Positive results are being seen as capable men have become involved in organizing the work.
Some committees have projects scheduled a year or more in advance. Obviously, much work needs to be accomplished in the days ahead. Although more Kingdom Halls are needed, it is preferable that skilled craftsmen not be asked to work with more than one Regional Building Committee. Many of the brothers have congregation and family responsibilities and these cannot be neglected. For the sake of maintaining proper balance in these and other matters, this seems to be the reasonable course. (Phil. 1:9, 10; 4:5, 6) It may be that some congregations planning to build will be asked to delay their project for a while so that the schedule for Regional Building Committees does not become overloaded.
Each Regional Building Committee contacts the skilled craftsmen from withinitsownarea prior to the construction dates of a planned project, giving notice sufficiently in advance so that the volunteers can adjust their schedules accordingly. Careful planning has enabled Regional Building Committees to determine how many workers will be needed for each phase of a construction project. These are scheduled to arrive at the time that their particular skill is needed. Thus, they are fresh and ready to work when that phase of the project is to begin. When their services on a project are no longer needed, they return home and share in the local congregation meetings and activities along with their families.
Regional Building Committees are continually training spiritually qualified brothers so they can assist in a meaningful way on future building projects. One Regional Building Committee reporting on the construction of a double Kingdom Hall over two successive weekends said that they followed the suggestion in the December 1986 OurKingdomMinistry insert about having only skilled help and local volunteers present. At no time were there more than 200 volunteer workers on the site. This worked very well and all were kept busy. No one worked through the night.