since you all are a critical thinking bunch...i thought i'd put this question to you.
i'm a born and raised US citizen as is my husband. ever since we left the borg almost 2 years ago (wow, time flies when you're finally having fun!), we've paid more attention to politics. we've also come to the realization we are responsible for our own futures, and since we have 3 very young kids, we think about this a lot.
that said, we dont see a very promising future here in the US. while i realize no country is perfect and many places have things FAR worse than we do, i think that the US is headed in a very bad direction. while i feel many americans are good, moral people, i also feel there is a huge disconnect between the masses and the politicians (could be both a cause and a result of the low voter turnouts!). i feel that the US uses its power to act arrogantly and irrationally and stick its nose in places it ought not. we are like the nosey, interfering asshole next door neighbor that no one likes! and with our ever changing allegiances, i feel we are making enemies right and left. i've traveled a lot internationally and as a younger person, always wondered why i was often treated rudely. now i totally understand. to top off our disastrous foreign policies and actions, we are one trillion dollars in debt. who's gonna want to loan that asshole neighbor a trillion bucks to help them out? no one! and we are letting immigrants pour across the border (i live in CA so am esp sensitve to this). they come here and drain our govt, using all forms of public assistance, then work under the table, pay no taxes and dont even further the economy by spending their money here. they send it "home" to mexico. i recently read somewhere that by 2025, it's predicted that LA will be 45% non-english speaking immigrants.
sorry, i tend to go off on tangents...anyway, i'm just curious what others' opinions are as to what our future might be here. (US citizens and others!) we rose to the top to become a superpower in just 200 years, i feel that we could be brought down even quicker. there's a saying, something like, "rome wasn't built in a day, but it could burn in a day". i totally feel that is the case here in the US and many citizens are too apathetic to work for and demand change. we've also become so fragmented and opinionated that it seems nearly impossible for anyone to agree on anything, leading to so much intolerance. "conservative" and "liberal" have become derogatory terms, rather than ways of describing those of differing opinions. i think aside from our other issues, a huge challenge facing americans today is whether or not we will choose to transcend differences and re-unite.
my husband and i are considering emigrating to another more stable country because we are so disillusioned at the way the US looks now. part of me would like that as it would truly be a fresh start for us, but mostly we are just trying to decide what is best for our children's futures.
what are your thoughts on the US and its future? thanks for reading.