I fell & Guess What???

by mouthy 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I really hate to hear that. I am so sorry and worry about you. I am glad that it turned out for you to be able to talk to the hospital staff but I hate to think of the pain you went through to get to that.
    Please know that I think of you often and worry about you.

    ((((((((HUGS))))))))))) to you.


  • mouthy

    LIT!!!!! What a lovely upbuilding post....I think of you too.
    Is things getting any easier.with you know who????

  • LV101

    no --- NOTHINGS worse than messing up your hand power. guess your left side of brain will take over, never mind, been a long time since learned that stuff so won't go there. apparently, weight-lifting, even mildly, and any aerobic exercise that gets the ticker/brain going helps one's agility, balance, etc., to ward off FALLS. i'm thinkin it might be worth a try.

    heal fast.

  • JRK

    I think of you much, Momzy.

    Hugs a buncccccccch

  • watersprout

    Awwww Gracie I have just found this thread!

    I hope you get better soon and I'm sending you lots of hugs and kisses.

    Love and peace sprout

  • mouthy

    Thanks a trillion.Was at the hospital yesterday...
    GREAT NEWS!!! they took more xrays,& found out it is NOT fractured it is

    a chipped bone, but because Of my Rheamatoid Arth,my bones are so crooked
    it looks as if I had a fracture the other DR made an error. So I have a wrist
    band only on go back in 4 weeks...He said it should heal..

  • GLTirebiter
    found out it is NOT fractured it is a chipped bone

    Good news to hear! Take care of yourself and heal up, Grace.

  • snowbird

    Good news!

    You're awesome, Mouthy.


  • mouthy

    Well I dont know about that snowbird,but I think the Lord didnt trust me to go
    around with a ruddy great cast on,I might "bop" someone that upsets me.LOL
    So he decided to rearrange a few bones.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's nice to hear you chirpy as usual, Grace.



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