Witnesses of Jehovah film from about 1986

by violias 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • violias


    film Witnesses of Jehovah . note 37:35

  • Simon

    I remember watching a copy of this when I was learning TTATT for the first time.

    Funny how their official explanations for somethings such as "this generation" are already wrong (20 minute+ mark). I guess those spokespeople should be removed if they still believe all that?

    The WTS changes so quickly even the criticism of it goes out of date quickly. Jehovahs chariot ... veering wildly out of control, LOL

    Kudos to all those people back then who saw through it and took a stand and provided information for others when it was much harder to do.

  • violias

    This link was on another thread and when I watched It I was-- so heartbroken. It was a painful watch for me b/c I recall that time period so well. There was just outright apostate hysteria. People were being dragged to the back room on any kind of suspicion of apostacy. Some of the boe's did some really dirty underhanded things against folks they considered apostate. Many ( boe's ) were just like company men who would have buried bodies if they'd had to. My mom was told to get rid of or burn her books early WTS books b/c " the apostates were using them against us". I stopped them from destroying my GF's books. Da*n them to H*LL.

    If only I could have seen this at that time. I got in possession of a few tapes that were being passed around but nothing like this. For me it would be another 10 yrs. before I could walk out the door and 6 yrs. more before I was completely done with jws.

  • NewYork44M

    how do you know when the GB is lying? Their lips move.

    This was an interesting trip down memory lane. Thanks for posting.

  • WingCommander
    I only wish there was a brand new, updated version of this made in 4K HD. Something fresh and new, condensed into a 1-hr documentary covering child abuse, the two-witness rule, shunning, disfellowshipping, 144K, overlapping generations vs old 1914 Generation, UN NGO involvement, Assembly and Kingdom Hall real estate schemes, etc, etc.
  • jookbeard
    enjoyed it when I first saw it all those years ago, has a sinister chilling theme going through it.
  • FayeDunaway

    This makes me so angry.

    angry my family is still in this ridiculous scam. angry this ridiculous scam kept me from living the life I was born to live.

    I wish c.t. Russell had never been born.

  • Tech49
    WOW, I had never seen that one. What a great documentary from way back. And still applicable, even more so now, and in so many more ways.
  • user100
    there was another one from the 90's one about "jehovah's witnesses.. preaching in the snowy mountains" and 3 volume "accurate prophesies - reliable bullshit" something like that.. anyone have those?
  • yodastar

    Anger kind of sums it up and disbelief really that this evil organisation still runs rampant. Gee I feel sick after skimming through that. I read on a post a while back commenting on it's actually Satan running the borg.

    In my brainwashed reservoir I read - wow disgruntled and slightly addled ex, no judgement of course - I was never taught to do that but seriously - exposing my thinking mind to this again, gee you really have to wonder.

    Oh no, yes it took me back and then I remembered I don't even believe in Satan, ha. powerful wankers really with all the mind control.

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