just had the last of my sibblings treating my dad like dirt. My younger sister recently conveyed to me that my other sibblings jws of course will not give dad any money to purchasde a pair of shoes for himself to wear at my daughters wedding as he has a pair of sandals he can wear, all this just to piss me off . They have power of attorney over his estate and collect all the money and ever since mum passed away in a nursing home that they arranged for her and dad because they wouldn't look after him nor allow myself nor my younger sister to look after him and ever since then he cant even buy a lolly pop for himself. My self and younger sister have given him everything we possibly can to keep him confortable and bought him a suit for my daughters wedding but we thought we would just test them to see how corrupt and cruel they really are by leaving ouT the shoes and getting them to buy it. Our suspicions were right th're as cruel as you can get, not only did they destroy our relationship and took me to court to revoke my (poa) but they killed my mum in a short span of time placing her in home and now dad too. I ma not very goodd at composing letters so what I am asking is you guys "MY ONLY FRIENDS" to "HELP" me do this...write a letter to the (BOE) as I would like to post it on their board in the kingdom hall for all to see as this really disgusts me and one for the society.
your true brother